earth ascension light

Your Ascension with Earth

We are the angelic host; we come to support your physical bodies in this ascension process, which is purifying the earth herself. Many do not understand that the planet Earth, called Gaia and known by other names, is a sentient being of great power and glory.

Again, the subject of cosmic light pouring in, which is uppermost in the consciousness force field, is addressed. You are powerful lightning rod conductors of this intense energy from celestial sources and are experiencing some overload symptoms.

It has been said that humanity is comparable to the mycelium hairs on the microcosmic cell within the macrocosm of the planets. You would not want to hear this comparison to the filaments of cellular structures because of the egotistic nature, which believes everything revolves around it.

This is not to make you feel small but to assure you that you are an integral part of the ecosystem of the world in which you live. You are an essential co-creator in this ecosystem and necessary to the earth and Universal Consciousness.

The point is that you serve as the bridge of light energy between heaven and earth.

Multidimensional Evolution

You are not just this physical framework you embody at this time. You are a multidimensional being who has split into many identities that will be unified again at some point in your evolution.

Realize, too, that it is not your job or even mentally healthy to spend much time identifying with and trying to find the rest of you in other lifetimes, timelines, or on other planets. You have enough problems discovering who you are enveloped in the human pattern you so carefully created for your experience in this embodiment.

You were part of the team and the designer constructing this identity and your life plan. This was not happenstance, nor was it without deep consideration of your goals and dreams of being physically in the dimension you are experiencing on Earth.

Pay tension to the present moment and yourself in energies that flow through you to be anchored in the world of form.

Now understand that we bring this information today as a bit of a scientific backdrop for the turning of the cycles of life on Earth.

As you know, everything is built in a cyclical fashion for your evolution and the upper spiral of the ascension process we discussed before.

In the Gateway Portal of Light  OR Miracles, Freedom, and Timelessness

Earth Ascends and So Do You

We are focusing on this as you traverse the unknown as the life as you know it in the former cycle and the time when Jesus began this 2000-year cycle. You are an essential and extraordinary magical, mystical crossroads where no one has ever consciously stepped up from 3D to a 5th dimension before you.

You are here for a reason! For you, it appeared to be a grand experiment in consciousness, awakening at a new level and transitioning intentionally. This was not meant for everyone, meaning not everyone had chosen it, and some would not awaken but suddenly find themselves in a different world.

We want to assure you that nothing is wrong or has gone awry. Your earth is secure. Your Earth Mother, Gaia Sofia, is making her ascension, and you will travel with her. You are not on the wrong timeline, as you might fear.

Conscious Awakening

There is work for you to do in the space, wherever you find your consciousness at this time. Take each step consciously, deliberately, and mindfully, and you will arrive where your future self desires to be in “no time at all.” (This is indeed a moment of humor from us to you because, as you know, everything is timeless now when you are eternal beings as you are and as we are.)

Our mission today is to balance and stabilize your physical form. You may find your diet will totally change, your dedication to your path will be magnified, and your desire to move forward will match the energies that appear for you on a daily basis.

You do not need to push things forward. This is the time for a more feminine approach to life, for magnifying and attracting things to you synchronistically and with our helping hands.

So, no worries; do the next thing and the next, and you will be moving forward without a desire to step into your destiny.

Your purpose and destiny are to awaken and consciously move through this ascension process.

Archangel Metatron and Ascended Masters Greet You

I AM the presence of Archangel Metatron, bringing in the energies of the ascension and the scientific understanding of the endings leading to new beginnings. You crave to know what is happening so that you can be part of this whole process.

While the mechanics and science may not interest you, it does help to know that what you’re looking at is a quantified process that is meticulously engineered and beautiful in its creative majesty.

The ascension process simply raises energetic frequencies and purifies the light body to a finer substance with fewer limitations. You are aware of Enoch’s ascension into a chariot of fire in the biblical story and of Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven at the end of his mission on earth.

Many have known these energies for eons. It is natural and past time for Earth to be free of the densities of wars, the energy of hatred, and the willful destruction of her planetary body. The light is coming to say ENOUGH!

Invoke my presence when you want tutoring in the ascension flame and journey to the temple of ascension with Serapus Bey in dream time.

We will look for you there.

Good Evening,

Archangel Metatron 

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Lindsay Godfree
Life Coach, Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities, freelance writer, award winning photographer, and creator of The Consciousness Guide.

1 Comment

  1. Julanne Dalke on March 26, 2025 at 4:42 pm

    Wow. :0
    deep stuff Lindsay! Thanks for sharing!

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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.