Summer Book Review: The Movie Watcher’s Guide to Enlightenment
Do you like movies? Usually I observe my thoughts and experiences as if they were part of a movie. As…
READ MORE >>Near Death Experience (NDE) or Spiritual Awakening
When explaining my spiritual awakening that I write about in my book, “Awakening Consciousness – Finding a Larger Version of…
READ MORE >>Enter the 11:11 Portal for Conscious Oneness
Channeled Angel Message – Dictated 11/8/18 for the New Moon – 11:11 11 Portal Change is eminent. Earth changes, political…
READ MORE >>Why Live in The Present NOW
Many people spend their whole lives either re-living what has happened in their past, or worrying about the future. We…
READ MORE >>Depression: How to Find What Matters
“98% of people spend 98% of their time on things that don’t matter.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch Think of that…
READ MORE >>Consciously Heal Yourself to Heal the World
What affects one part of your body also affects all the other parts. Imbalance in one of your four lower…
READ MORE >>Divergent Means Thinking for Yourself
Are you divergent? Have you read the popular story or seen the movie? I loved the movie and I am…
READ MORE >>Be Conscious of Consciousness
What is consciousness as we speak of it in The Consciousness Guide? Recently in my Facebook contacts someone asked, at…
READ MORE >>When it is Time to Think About Heaven
Time Magazine has published a special heaven addition —wonders never cease. Recently, when checking out at Wal-Mart, right next to the…