Angels: Being Yourself as Love
Your greatness is in connecting with your True Self through your expanded senses in this time of transition. Intuition opens…
READ MORE >>Archangel Consciousness
The unified field of consciousness is full of vibrational information and an energetic outpouring of the grace of All-That-Is. It…
READ MORE >>Angel Love Meditation
What is love? You ask, and we of the angelic realm answer. We say that love is who you are.…
READ MORE >>Feminine Masculine Balance
The balance of the masculine and the feminine aspects of the self are the burning desire of the Soulful Self.…
READ MORE >>Activation Blessing: Chamuel Archangel of Love
Angel-Oracle message by Lindsay Godfree 02-02-19 You are poised for greatness! All the forces of light stand with you. Do…