Energy Update: Planets Angels and Pisces
The planetary lineup in the heavens marks a significant cosmic energetic event, which has begun with the new moon at the end of February ushering in Pisces. I am feeling a major shift. Are you?
I am writing this instead of my usual channeled message because this momentous marker sets the stage for the next six months.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, representing completion, spiritual awakening, intuition, and deep emotional healing. As we move into the fast-paced energies of Aries in April, the first sign of the zodiac will be new beginnings next month.
We will want to be more grounded and whole within our new spiritual awakening.
I am finding that it is an opportunity for deep healing. These energies move and cycles are amplified, offering a powerful time for introspection, setting spiritual intentions, and manifesting dreams from a soul-aligned place.
I have included a ceremony to emphasize consciously acknowledging the shift in our bodies. It can be done at any time—as the angels have said, we exist in the timeless now.
Refer to – Everything is NOW in the Timelessness of Infinite Grace
This planetary alignment in Pisces in 2025 marks the end of ancient patterns and the beginning of a shift in consciousness to the Aquarian Age and New Earth.
I see it as an opportunity to connect with our intuition and guides to help us navigate these complex times of evolution. When we set intentions and focus with angelic frequencies, we accept help from our Higher Self and integrate our desired future selves.
Focused Creative Energy
On March 30, 2025, six significant planets—Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Rahu, and Moon—converge in Pisces. This alignment is uncommon, as it involves multiple planets, specifically gathering in a single zodiac sign’s planetary energies. This creates a powerful celestial influence in various aspects of life, offering unique opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation.
March features many significant configurations, including the Equinox. While planetary alignments occur periodically, the convergence of six planets in Pisces is particularly impactful at the end of March.
Such events can have profound astrological implications, influencing various aspects of life, such as the global economy, environmental disturbances, political humanitarian efforts, new partnerships reshaping the global order, and, last but not least, mental health concerns testing our resilience to changes.
All of these things have been spoken of by the angels in their messages since 2018.
Global Economy: The conjunction may bring turbulence to financial markets and global economies, with recession risks threatening stability. However, industries focused on creativity, technology, and spirituality are poised for growth.
Climate & Environment: Pisces’ influence can spark environmental disturbances, including typhoons, rain havoc, tsunamis, and tornadoes in some parts of the world. This has also been predicted.
Political & Social Dynamics: The emotional intensity of these energies can fuel social movements and humanitarian efforts. International politics will experience a seismic shift as traditional alliances are reevaluated and new partnerships emerge, reshaping the global order.
Health & Well-being: Mental health concerns will increase as our bodies try to adjust to all the changes. Medicine and holistic wellbeing practices may also advance. This shift demands adaptability and resilience to navigate the challenges ahead.
What Does It Mean Personally?
Engaging in spiritual practices, meditations, or rituals that resonate with the Piscean themes of intuition, compassion, and emotional healing is beneficial for fully harnessing the energies of this alignment. Aligning yourself with these cosmic energies can facilitate personal growth and a deeper connection to universal consciousness.
Personally, I am experiencing situations in my life that are pointing to the places that need emotional healing. It is easier to go with the flow and take advantage of these times in the present.
Why This Event is Special:
- Alignment of Planets: When multiple planets align in Pisces, their energies blend, intensifying Pisces’ influence of higher consciousness, creativity, and transcendence.
- Moon Energy: New Moons symbolize new beginnings. In Pisces, this is a time for deep inner work, intuitive downloads, and setting intentions from the heart. This one opens a portal.
- Connection to the Divine: Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality. This alignment can heighten your connection to angels, guides, and higher wisdom.
- Release & Renewal: As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the end of cycles, making this an ideal time for emotional release and spiritual renewal before the Aries season begins.
The release and renewal aspect is why I believe it is vital to bring our attention and intuition to a focus point and use this energetic portal to our advantage. Reference this Angel Message: Miracles, Freedom, and Timelessness
How to Take Advantage of This March Energy:
- Set Spiritual Intentions: Meditate on what you want to manifest, especially regarding your spiritual growth, healing, and divine purpose.
- Work with Water Energy: Pisces is a water sign, so taking a ritual bath, drinking blessed water, or meditating near water can enhance your receptivity to insights. Our bodies are mostly water.
- Engage in Creative Expression: Under this influence, painting, writing, or any creative work can be divinely inspired.
- Practice Intuition & Channeling: This is an excellent time for angelic communication, dream journaling, and receiving divine messages.
I am encouraging everyone to connect with their angels and guides. If you have not done so, this is an opportune time.
Channeled Writing Process
Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take three deep, centering, grounding breaths. Feel yourself connected to the Earth and the Divine, balancing physical and spiritual realms. As you visualize a golden light surrounding you, creating a protective and peaceful aura.
Call in Divine Support
Silently or aloud, say:
“I invite the energies of the Pisces, the divine guidance of Archangels and Ascended Masters, and the wisdom of my Higher Self. May I receive clarity, healing, and inspiration in alignment with my soul’s purpose.”
To work with angels, specifically invite and call upon Archangel Raziel (keeper of divine wisdom), Archangel Gabriel (for messages and creativity), or Archangel Haniel (intuition and moon cycles).
After a short meditation to clear your mind, take 5-10 minutes at most and ask your Higher Self, angels, and guides any of these questions:
- What does my soul need to release?
- What intuitive gifts am I ready to embrace?
- What vision am I manifesting for this next cycle?
Then write any insights in your journal as a channeling of divine guidance.
Setting Intentions & Surrender
You may want to write 1-3 intuitive, inspired, heart-centered intentions for the coming cycle.
Such as:
“I embrace my intuitive gifts and trust divine guidance.”
“I release old emotional wounds and am open to new love and joy.”
Closing & Gratitude
Thank your angels, guides, and all beings of light energy for their presence. Know that your intentions are now set in motion.
Integration: How to Carry This Energy Forward
- Keep your journal close and track any dreams, insights, or synchronicities.
- Engage in creative or intuitive activities (painting, writing, music).
- Drink plenty of water and stay mindful of emotional waves.
- Trust that what you set in motion now will manifest over the coming months.
Knowing that you have released old emotional baggage and trust in the flow of the Universe. Surrendering to divine timing will bring unexpected blessings. In the next six months, you can integrate an energy of freedom and joy into your body and express that centered happiness in your relationships.
There are several ways to look at March, so which is your choice? As the winds of change blow through, I think of an early message of the angels.
“Remember, MIRACLES ARE POSSIBLE. The Angels support you—the collective of counsels of light supports. You cannot fail. As they say, “Love has already won.” Even though you do not yet understand how this will be accomplished, be happy with that knowledge. Sail the seven seas of the cosmic winds. Lift the sails of your heart’s wings and soar. There are reasons to be happy in this time of change.”
Be Blessed by Cosmic Winds of Change
P.S. I would like some feedback on whether this type of message benefits you. My own research and compilation is more tedious than channeling angels, but I am happy to share it if you like.
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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
I think this was very beneficial ! I liked the overview and then specific things to do to channel, set intentions and integrate it all. I am grateful!
Lorrie, Thank you for the feedback! I am excited to see the Angels address the cosmic events we are experiencing and linking with the Moon, Sun, and Astrological configruations too. I am developing ceremonial to-do guides for many of these type of events and they will be available in my store.