Angels on Conscious Change

Angels on Conscious Change

Transition and transmutation are the energies that are being experienced in your consciousness and in your subtle bodies. This is what is going on from a higher perspective. Everything is energy in motion.

Many humans are moving through a passage, or portal of new beginnings. It is the change that those who have prayed for a new beginning and a clearing of the old karmic records have asked for and are now traversing.

The opportunity is to ride this energy of change into more joy, more peace, and more love.

Life will be different than it was a few years ago. Life is becoming better, freer, and people will be more enlightened. This is not what you would call easy—but you can do it with more grace and ease if you will not judge and fight with your feelings.

Make Space Within

The more you resist the changes that are coming, the more you feel out of control. Relax your mind and cultivate inner stillness.

Make space with stillness and breath. These practices will give you time to perceive new ways of being. There is a new way of perceiving with the conscious use of space and time. Give yourself space.

What you will realize is that the mental mind is filled with misunderstandings and cannot be trusted. You need to come up higher to a new perspective. A new point of view with multi-dimensional vision.

Trust Your Inner Knowing

You will connect with wisdom and a deep inner knowing that you CAN trust.

You will make the shifts needed quickly by evolutionary standards, but for a while the restlessness that you feel will be unsettling. You may feel agitated or anxious. Just sit with it and these feelings will pass. You are safe.

If you allow your old ways of doing and being to fall away, you will just start having different preferences. You will find yourself able to stay in the flow of well-being and your mind will settle down. Settle down the part of you that is feeling a little unsettled—like you don’t know who you are.

This is the subconscious ego that is relaxing and melting. You are not your ego mind. What you are experiencing is just change and a new way of being that you are not used to.

The way that you get to the New Earth, the New Age, and the Unity Consciousness that you seek, is to make the changes within first.


The outer world will not change until the inner world has first made the shift and become new. Do not look to the outer world for comfort or hang onto old habits that do not serve you. This can only cause more friction and discord in your systems.

Does it seem strange that we would talk to you in this way? Well, you asked and you are answered—this is what Jesus talked about. “Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened” is his message. *

We Are With You

You have never been without spirit guides and angels to watch over you. We wait upon you to help you in your awakening and ascension process.

People want to know how to help others, how to heal, and how to change the world for better. There are so many answers to this so keep asking and keep listening.

Be willing to make the necessary changes. And remember to add more love to every equation.

We are with you. You are safe and secure. You are loved beyond measure. We will tell you over and over again these truths.

Divine Order Unfolds Like a Flower

Trust the answers you receive. Trust yourself to figure it out and adjust. Everything in in divine order that is unfolding like an exotic flower that you have never seen before. It is beautiful…

Smile at the beauty of the blooming and growing of everything in you– AS You.

And so it is.

Your Guides and Angels

Read “Celebrate the Blessings” for more Angel questions and answers.

*Matthew 7:7–8 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

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Lindsay Godfree
Life Coach, Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities, freelance writer, award winning photographer, and creator of The Consciousness Guide.

1 Comment

  1. Suzanne on May 1, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    This message is just answered to the anxiety and unrest I have recently experienced. Thank you thank you for putting this online!


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.