Unsettling Change is Eminent
Dictated Angel Message 11/12/18 from 3:33 am–4:44 am
Be awakened by the energy.
Arise and listen, for there is much of note happening on many levels.
The shift is gaining momentum and the call of the hour is to stay the course. Ride the wave. It is unsettling to all creatures. There is a restlessness that has no logical explanation—a smoke on the wind, a premonition that things are about to change. Something is happening.
Though all are feeling the effects of change the reactions are varied and unsettling for all. You are in an unknown energy. The other side of the 11-11 portal. A place in the space/time continuum that the earth has not been in before. It is of galactic proportions.
The dimensions of the higher realms do not even have the same physics that has been known in the past. There is no way to keep up with it all without surrendering—without letting go of trying to keep control and trust. Let go! Hanging on at all will not serve you.
The challenge is letting go while still finding your balance on the surf board of life. You were born for this, and you have prepared for eons. All will unfold in Divine order, which, though strange, makes perfect sense from the higher perspective.
Do not concern yourself with what others are doing. You see them streaking by like passengers on the southbound subway train while you are on the one going north. Your destination and timelines will cross but still run separately.
Do not forget those who ARE on the same subway car—the same train—the same train track, going through the underground tunnel with you. The destination approaches. You are on the right route for you. You have the ticket. Remember?
Surf boards, trains, tunnels, and bus stops, all are metaphorical to orient you to a new way of traveling through time. Although time and space are collapsing, some things that are familiar will remain in your dreamscape.
As the signposts in your life seem less familiar, you need not worry. Comfort those who also feel the disorientation. Pass around many hugs, warm blankets of compassion, and hot drinks of comfort to those who experience the changes in a traumatic way. Many find themselves without anchors, like those devastated in fires and floods that strip them of all they once knew. Pray for them. Hold them in your heart with compassion.
There is “a tremor in the Force Luke,” to quote the movie Star Wars.
Clear the decks! We are through the portal of the 11:11 gateway, like it or not. That signpost has come and gone and is behind you now in the journey—the linear journey of this time/space reality.
Reach for multidimensional perspectives. See with inner sight and feel your way. Your soul knows the way. Your Higher Self holds the tiller, and Source has set the sails. You think, “And now a sailboat metaphor?” How about a little smile, beloved? Try not to take it all so seriously.
Although this is the part of the hero’s journey where there is doubt and the waves are choppy. The vessel does make its way through the narrow passage and weathers the storm. That is in the script and the preview of the turning cycles.
Center yourself in your core energy. Breathe through the emotional anxiety. Eat right. Get enough rest and be diligent in your self-care, including your daily sacred practice and meditation. Those rituals will sustain you through this time.
Continue to organize and de-clutter, or the winds of change will do it for you. Let go of the old ways of being. It is hard for you, we know. You have our love, comfort, and support. We applaud your courage in this undertaking. All this galaxy and beyond are cheering you on to the victory that belongs to all as One.
It is not too far off that the reward of Oneness will shimmer into view like a mirage in the desert and solidify out of the ethers. You will see.
Be steadfast in your faith, trust and desire to serve and to love.
All is well. And so it is–
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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
Something IS happening. I feel it in my soul. Thank you for sharing!
Thank for for commenting! It means a lot to me to know I am reaching others!
I’m at odds. I have been feeling almost like I am sick. I thought this would be a time of high energy. Can you give me advice.
Sonya.Walker @ Harrishealth.org
Sonya, It does feel like that for some people. My Mom even had a temperature so she spent a day in bed. The next morning she woke up totally better. Rest and lay around if possible. Do deep breathing into where it gives you tension in your body. Send love into it. It will pass. Don’t take it personally. We are all feeling it. Sending you love and blessings.