Channeled: Archangel Michael Armies
In the name of the holiness of the most-high, we come to the earth, bringing tidings of the coming of Christ Consciousness to the world. This is the energy of the Christos—the purity of the heart that puts love first.
Love is the key that unlocks all doors—the master key, as it were. We carry this precious key as an entourage, we come as a parade with fanfare to the people of Earth. Earth herself calls to us. She is in the throes of transition, the most holy process of ascension.
Ascension is the rising of energy to faster frequencies. She has been host to an ecosystem of sentient beings like no other in diversity and beauty. Yet there are brighter colors to be seen and more love to behold. This brightness calls her higher.
All the kingdoms of minerals, plants, animals, and microbes are rising in their consciousness and so must humanity. Consciousness is awareness where the limitations of only five senses will not do anymore.
Where are you in perceiving more? On the spectrum of more light as conscious awareness, you rise.
Parade of Love and Miracles
Your Master Jesus came as a Christed being to speak of love in a time when there was immense darkness and yet there were miracles performed. It is a time for miracles again and this time the news of them can be spread far and wide.
Ask for miracles, watch for miracles, and allow miracles to come through you. This is the destiny of the planet, you do not need to go far and wide to see them. You can participate. Love is not a spectator sport.
The consciousness of love is spreading like a virus. It begins in tiny ways and spreads. Be the carrier that spreads the power of love enveloping the Earth. You can be a part of the movement that is revolutionary in its ability to heal all that ails the planet herself.
Therefore, we come as bands of Angels in waves, as groups in procession, for the expansion of your consciousness and planetary home.
We petition you to march with us and glory in the pride and joy of what is becoming. Refuse to be the downtrodden and victims of anything that is not love.
Vision Imagination and Creatorship
We join with you in ranks to strengthen you and awaken the latent power you hold to make a world that puts love first. The days of every man for himself come to an end. It is the “end of days” foretold in prophecy.
You will not despair at what darkness arises to meet you as you shine light into every corner of your consciousness that needs more love. The ghouls and specters of your fear are their ghosts being dismantled and disbanded.
See things change around you. Walk in the vibration of love, kindness, and goodness. All things not in alignment with the heart are hearing the “tolling of the bells,” meaning their time is over.
You have seen in your cinema many examples of epic proportions that sweep through the land. Hold the vision of the coming of this sea of angelic presence that we are.
Imagine the joy and the laughter of loving in which all of creation participates.
As you envision this parade and entourage going forth, you have been a spectator but are no more.
You are swept up in the waves of love and the armies of heaven.
Michael the Archangel of Power
I AM Michael, the symbol of the armies of heaven, the protector of your life and your life’s purpose. I come to remind you that this battle is within you and in the very cells of your body. The battle for more love/light within is very personal.
Release the darkness and resistance to the light in you and embrace the love. Let love apply to yourself, for yourself. The savior of your soul is not out there—it is you. You must save yourself in layers and dimensions.
Your bodies of being contain records of genetic DNA that are generational, connected to subtle energies spanning many dimensions, including and outside of time/space. The key to shifting everything is within—the coding of the records within you.
Feel, see, and imagine a flood of light washing you, flowing through you as you energetically wash away all that is considered darkness. Consider darkness no more but only the light.
The power of your intention and attention to this cleansing of subtle bodies will heal more than you can understand.
Arise as a changed being of light and go forth into a world that must change around you in your presence.
And so it is.
The Angels
From: Archangel Michael Power which includes a powerful prayer.
I AM Archangel Michael and I come at your asking—in answer to your call for help and support this day. If you think you can’t do what life is asking of you, know that you CAN do it. If you believe that you are not enough, I AM here to tell you again that you ARE enough, more than enough! You are the light of God and the very hands of creation in the physical world. Wake up to this knowledge. Awaken even more! From: Archangel Michael Power which includes a powerful prayer.
For More Info: Archangel Michael
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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
I don’t have words to express the love and gratitude I feel for the angels and all they do for us and the earth!