Archangel Michael Power
Centered in the light is where you want to stay.
Love-light is the vibration of the highest conceivable manifestation of Source creation that you can imagine, and yet it is not always possible to feel this at every moment—or so you say.
What occurs is that your attention wanders to what is happening in the outside world and therefore you lose that touchstone of the love within.
With practice it is possible to be in both realities at once. Center in the heart.
There is the human experience and there is the inner experience of the abiding presence that is the real you—the “True Self.” Both are intertwined.
What is this True Self?
As you know there is this part of you that is eternal—that always has the perspective of being conscious of everything and All-That-Is. This is one name for God Source that is also within you.
Sometimes you are more in touch with this than other times but it is always present in the now. This NOW is always the present and is the all-knowing Field of Consciousness. This seems confusing to the mental mind and you should not concern yourself with trying to stretch the mind to understand timelessness.
It is far more productive to feel into the presence that is all around you and in everything. You CAN do this.
Practice during the quiet times, in meditation, while walking in nature, and notice the beauty of the natural physical world wherever you find yourself.
Look for the Beauty
Sometimes searching for the Source, trying to connect mentally or even emotionally is reaching too high. So just begin by looking for beauty.
Look for beauty in the eyes of another. Find beauty in the sky above you. Look closely at the plants, animals, rivers and oceans and you will see the beauty that is akin to the love of all things. The love of God, as many call it. The love of all life.
Whatever swells your heart within you—go there. Follow your heart.
There is beauty all around you, all the time. And if you think that this is not true, you could refer to the work of Viktor Frankl who wrote, “Mans Search for Meaning.” As a prisoner in the Jewish concentration camps he found beauty and inspiration that connected him with profound meaning.
If he can do this, you can do this. No matter what the human condition is. No matter what you see in your experience—you will inevitably find your Self. This Higher Self that is the love that you seek. There is no doubt that all is pointing to your awakening to this larger part that you truly are.
We of your angelic bands will and do support you always. Call on us. Ask and you receive.
Archangel Michael the Power of Faith
I AM Archangel Michael and I come at your asking—in answer to your call for help and support this day. If you think you can’t do what life is asking of you—know that you CAN do it.
If you believe that you are not enough, I AM here to tell you again that you ARE enough, more than enough! You are the light of God and the very hands of creation in the physical world. Wake up to this knowing. Awaken even more!
I AM Archangel Michael, the protector of the faith. I do declare that you be infused this day with the personification of the Faith that you need and the courage that you want!
Notice that the Angels are very near. Feel that the presence within you is stronger than you have ever known before and how it holds you up when you doubt.
As the emissary of God that casts out fear, I am now activating the vibrational frequency of faith and the love that casts out fear.
Breathe it in with three deep breaths and with a smile. Give yourself the gift of happiness at the support of light/love that comes to you.
Speak with power of the 3×3 and declare:
- I accept the faith of this transmission
- I receive the courage of this activation
- I walk in the power of this healing!
By the multiplication of the 12 ARCHANGELS in rays of refracted energy accumulating and coalescing within my heart; I now breathe this out into the world to release all fear!
Call to Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael can activate the energy of fearlessness any time you feel weakness. You actually don’t need intersession from any source other than your own Divine Self. But taking this action gives you a way to activate your voice—the power center of creation within you. Activate your Self and the power given to you.
You are free to thrive with joy!
And so it is,
Michael and the Archangels
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
I really needed to hear this. I was was lacking in faith and feeling overwhelmed with my decision to begin a business. I was feeling afraid and unsupported. I will breath deeply and repeat the mantra often.
Thanks for the feedback. I feel the same way. The Angels seem to respond to what we are feeling as a collective. We are definitely not alone! Love, Lindsay