heavens gates

Angels Invest in Success

The world in which you live is a wonderous place. The opportunity to do, to be, and to bring divine presence to life is glorious.

This is the perspective of the angelic hosts who exist as non-physical, observing and assisting humanity in the growth of the spirit. We applaud all that you do and all that you would become. Congratulate yourself often as you accomplish even the smallest tasks.

We encourage you to tune into the angelic perspective for an uplift. It is easy in your narrow understanding of all that is, to lull yourself into complacency, sarcasm, or even depression. The human perspective has become jaded by allowing fear to paint your soul into a very small corner of existence.

You can always choose another way of being. Bring your soul to life again with learning, beauty, and higher perspectives. We of the angelic would uplift you to a vibration of excitement, passion, gratitude, and appreciation.

If you find you lack energy, motivation, and enthusiasm take your human self by the shoulders and shake yourself up. No matter the conditions of life, you have the ability to move your energy.

Review all the encouragement that we have provided for you through these channeled messages. We have presented many suggestions, tips, and visualizations to uplift you.

Reach out to your guides, angels, archangels, and divine presence for an assist daily. We never tire of helping you along your path.

Choose Your Destiny

If you are enjoying your life experience, share your spark with others. Begin with a smile and a nod of recognition. You are all on the journey of awakening in consciousness together. There is no separation in your quantum energy fields. An attitude of gratitude is contagious.

There is extreme pressure from those who profit from convincing you that you should give your attention, time, financial abundance, and the very energy of your life to them. Do not be deceived by the trickery that is used to capture your life energy.

Be vigilant of your resources of all kinds, they are given to you as the wealth of existence. Consciously choose how you want to live your life and take no substitutes of “shiny objects” that will leave you bankrupt of spirit.

Consider your daily choices carefully, for no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

Focus on your choices for investing your time and attention into the present NOW. This is what is real, and where your true power lies.

You Are Rich in Blessings

You have heard many tales of the pearl of great price, of finding treasure in your own backyard, and of the value of precious things that you have overlooked. We would bring your attention to looking at what riches are already yours.

This harks to gratitude practice and the magic of life that is all around you.

Do we need to remind you that all that is of this physical world does not last? Only love and experience can go with you at the time of transition. Make wise choices.

Archangel Michael would infuse you with more light of divine purpose.

I AM Michael the Archangel, who is the guardian of your life purpose and the champion of faith.

I would move you toward renewed faith in the glorious ascension in the light.

You are on the path. Your victory is assured.

Be joyful and hopeful, diligent and determined in the life that you came here to live to the fullest.

You are blessed beyond measure.

Accept your calling and your power to succeed on your hero’s journey.

You created the labyrinth of becoming that is of your own grand design.

Have fun with your accent to victory.

And so it is.

Archangel Michael & Angels of the Blue Ray

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Lindsay Godfree
Life Coach, Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities, freelance writer, award winning photographer, and creator of The Consciousness Guide.


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.