rainbow space

Angelic Blessing of Potential Purpose

What is most significant about the energies of this NOW moment is that it is full of potential. It is pregnant with all of the possibilities that you can imagine.

In the physical world the number two is the splitting of the ONE, which divides into the polarity you like to see as male and female. It is the creative force. And you have a plethora of 2’s in this time. (*02-22-2202 the portal opened for the New Age) Obviously, it is a very potent year.

Out of the unity of the two, is born the trinity—the sacred geometric triangle that creates all of the structures of life as you know it. Pretty heady stuff!

We Angels are not the fluff of fantasy that you think we are. In fact, we are the blacksmiths of the elements of earth. We come to work with you.

You as Creator

You are here to be the creator. We just oversee that which you create on earth and lend a hand whenever we are called upon.

Free will choice is the prime directive on earth and you must exercise your choice in order to create. You choose.

If life is not what you wish it to be, it is up to you to change it. NOW is always the opportune time to exercise your choice and intension magnified by focus and brought about by action.

This is a very practical equation of physics made more magical and fun by the quantum energies involved in the making of what is next. What you think of as the future is very fluid at this time, and there is a portal of an ending and a new beginning. Walk through with us.

Create Your Dream Life

Answer the question of what it is you really want. Put that with intention today and we will magnify it and arrange the synchronicities to line up the fastest way to the manifestation. Do so with as much clarity as you can muster.

Ask for more clarity and transmutation of those energies you have amassed through misunderstandings and self-protection. Now is the time to breathe new life into your body and allow release of all the emotional glue attached to old memory patterns.

You have heard that “there is no time like the present.” This present is the best time, and in reality the only time, to push off from this power point of your NOW.

Propel yourself into the future that you wish to see. You can envision yourself bursting into the air and flying off like superman. This is the power that is yours—SUPER POWER. And if you do this with a smile and a happy heart, even better!

If you feel you need a push from the cosmic energies and your heavenly helpers, we will assist with a gust of cosmic wind.

Archangelic Powers Intercede

We of the Archangelic are here for you. It is our pleasure to intercede for you in the fabric of time and space. We are the answer to your prayers. We are the pure energies of God Source and we can amplify your energy this day.

When you put forth what you want, it is often thought of as something material but what we hear is what your heart wants. What your heart wants is what will bring you the most happiness. You want love and ultimately, you want the best outcome for all concerned.

Your “True Self” is noble and good. This goodness, also called love, is what prevails in every final chapter and in the ending of the tales that you tell yourself. Do not doubt the happy ending. You deserve it and you will have it.

Understand, and we know that you do, that the answers to your heart’s desire comes in the perfect timing. You often need faith and trust in the unfolding of what you wish for. We are NOT Santa Claus.

We are the conductors of a very large and intricate production which includes all life.

Archangels Gather to Bless You

I AM Archangel Michael, and I bless you with the strength of faith and power of purpose to achieve your dreams.

I Archangel Chamuel bring you love and comfort. You are never left comfortless. Please soak your soul in this essence of love.

I AM Uriel, Archangel of power and light. I light up your understanding and fan the flame of wisdom to know what is best.

I AM Zadkiel, the alchemist of the past turning it into the gold of the future rainbow. You may use the violet flame to burn through the things that you want changed.

I AM Raziel the magician, who adds the flourish of the magical to the journey to surprise and delight you.

We five are the quorum that come to light up the lighthouse that you are. You are here to light up the world.

Feel the electricity of the energies we have blessed you with this day as an infusion for your next steps.

Walk now with courage and purpose carrying the light you share with all you see and all that you do not yet perceive.

Our braided energies surround and support you to the victory!

And so it is,

The Archangels

*Channeled 2-22-2022 is a very potent angel number that represents a portal that is opening to the New Age of Aquarius. The date also happens to fall on a Tuesday – another two. In numerology, the number two is associated with emotions, intuition, and unity. When repeated, the strength of the energy grows – 2/22/22 will focus on relationships and teamwork. Apart from being an angel number, the date is also palindromic. According to numerologists, palindromic numbers can represent a choice where both outcomes teach a lesson.

1 Comment

  1. Lorrie on March 7, 2022 at 10:49 am

    What an amazing blessing! “With a sprinkling of pixsy dust you can fly, you can fly, you can fly”. So with happy thoughts and angel wings I will embrace the new life I am meant to live.


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.