1212 Angels of Ascension
Angel alignment focuses energy into meaning on the Earth, forming new timelines. At this time, the science of numerology and the cosmic energies of the planets can be focused with intention and consciousness to uplevel the dimensions of planet Earth for her ascension.
We, the angels and archangelic presence, are with you now and always. We wish you to know that the energy always coming to you is for your awakening in consciousness, which is also a part of the ascension process.
Angel Numbers 12-12 Portal
The power of repeating patterns, reflected in sequences of numbers, and the sciences based upon them are real. These represent portals between time and folding space to connect to other realms that are the sacred geometry of creation.
These numbers are vortex-like and represent ascension energies becoming spirals leading higher. We want to point you toward your power to transcend the time and space matrix as a creative light being.
You are a timeless being. You create your own beliefs and, therefore, the limitations you will encounter. There is no judgment for this, only transformation and transcendence, so forgive yourself and all life for this long journey home.
The angelic presence is part of your wholeness that will help you transform and transcend all limitations. Your belief that you are controlled by anything or bound by even the physics of the planet is a limitation.
By deciding, even though you are facing an unknown future for yourself, you are on the journey of discovering what infinite possibilities might mean. Learning that you “had the power (ruby slippers) all the time” and can create a better world, as in the Wizard of OZ story, is a shock.
Changes come upon you; cycling energies and ascension symptoms are disorienting, and you may feel faint like water—a river running without a bank, container, shape, or form.
You are as little children who are much more comfortable with structure, for this is where you feel safe. You are discovering a new way of being at this time of shifting and growing into a multidimensional being.
There are many physical symptoms associated with this. More information: Archangels Whales and Dolphins Heal
Shift to Unity Consciousness
According to the teachings of the ascension temples in the etheric, ancient Egyptian, and Merkabah mysticism, 1212 is a code portal that activates your Merkabic field when you resonate with it. This aligns you with the human heart and connects you to Unity Consciousness.
Many portals, energetic fields, and patterns are being activated to help you and the planet. If you are interested, you can delve into the many teachings. But what is important to you is owning your energy and choosing to join us at a faster frequency.
Since there are “ascension symptoms,” we wish you to take very good care of yourself and your body, mind, and spirit complex as you adjust. Reduce fear, agitation, anxiety, tension, and stress of any kind if you are able.
Your usual holiday activities should be minimalized to give yourself more time and support for the inner work being done on your behalf in December. There is an excess of internal and external turmoil now and into next year.
Understanding that 1212 and 12-21 energies are historically associated with the significant changes happening—and this will be the case for many in the next few years—should help you in moving forward. We intend that knowing about our intersession on your behalf will also help you on many levels.
You can trust your guides and divine plans for your lifestream.
Archangel Metatron
Perhaps you will tune into the energy of the Archangel Metatron, who is the “Invoking the Angel of God’s Presence. “ Associated with ascension, he was once embodied as Enoch of the Bible, who ascended into heaven in a chariot of fire. He is sometimes referred to as “the pillar of light.”
In meditation, call upon the power of light to help remove all energies that do not serve your higher self. This energy and qualities of light can be called upon during any transition to carry you and clear the way for your highest and best possible outcomes.
Manifestation is at work during times of change, portals, and evolution.
Allow yourself to be guided.
Be aligned with the seasons with joy, love, and kindness.
In your service, we are,
The Angels
Thank you for reading the angel’s message, receiving the energy, and for your attention to raising the quantum energy of the field of consciousness on the planet! If you enjoyed this message, you might consider a love offering as an energy exchange.
Notes: 12-12-2012, was the beginning of a new calendar and a New Age, the Age of Aquarius. According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012, and not 12/12/1212, was considered the end of a long timeline cycle in the “Long Count” calendar. Endings also mean new beginnings, and we are at that crossroads again.
Why do you see repeating 1212 as a message?
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.