Uriel Light of God: Earth’s Ascension
The energy flowing from the source flows in and through you into the earth, and you are the lightning rods of that energy, anchoring the information of divine frequencies into the physical.
This is also the energy that flows through the angelic realms as frequencies, attributes, colors, and sounds, and it is even related to fragrances and mineral crystals in the earth body. In these ways, we can communicate with you in this form.
While this ecosystem of Earth includes all the different materials you see, it also holds the energetic patterns of divine origins and engineering.
There is a pattern that is a beautiful representation of God, fractals of energy, and the DNA information of universal importance within you.
The wholeness of this field is ever-expanding, as is the universe and the Unified Field of Consciousness, which is contained within each cell of beingness.
Reference: Archangel Consciousness, including a transmission Archangel Shield of Support
Hold Christ Consciousness for Planet Earth
At this point, it is important that you understand your role and that you are able to hold the light of consciousness—Christ Consciousness—that is descending into the Earth and her ascension process.
There is a higher perspective that will uplift humanity’s childish shortsightedness and form a collaboration that is arising. This new society has not blossomed but is only at its germination point.
There is a new beginning and a new way of being on Earth for humanity on the horizon, but much will be ending at this point before the new can arrive and the world you dream of will appear.
Know that there are ways through the labyrinth of this time and have faith that your prayers are heard and answered when they are made from the love of your heart.
Heart Expansion Leads the Way
Feel your heart expand with these words as the energy is downloaded through you, up-leveling the whole of humanity’s consciousness.
Think not that you do not have a say and are not making a difference, for all that you think, do, and say will have its impact. And what you feel your way through is of great import to the cosmos since it is not otherwise equipped with a feeling body as you have.
You take for granted your senes—the five that you are conscious of and the myriad more that you hold in the finer bodies of humanity.
You Are Miraculous Energy
It is miraculous, and you are totally unaware of how wonderful the feeling of these energies is.
We point to what you cannot comprehend—what this information means—and can be to the greater community of sentient beings in galaxies you have yet to unveil.
Another concept that comes forth with this is the aptitude of human technology. The biologic structure that you think is so frail and even flawed is so powerful—an incredible and vital evolutionary creation that spiritual beings of light watch over with great care.
Your angelic guardians are just one layer of your spiritual team.
Archangel Uriel: A Message of Worthiness
I AM Uriel the Light of God, and the wisdom and power of the light. I come in clouds of glory and lightning bolts of intense energy to deliver to earth this day.
Your bodies are receivers in the communication system integral to Earth’s transformation into consciousness, awakening, and ascension process. Yet you still walk unaware and have no accurate idea of your worth.
I am come to amplify your worthiness, courage, and power of self-assurance.
You are turning the tide and co-creating with God and angelic beings, who are the very creators of heaven and earth. The energy I bring is of transmutation and resurrection’s flame.
Accept Your Mission
You have not been abandoned or disconnected; you have only forgotten for a moment what you came here to accomplish. Nevertheless, you have been led and misled to stretch the boundary of possibilities. There is no judgment in this.
You will see the earth and humanity enter the next phase of evolution and transmutation to a metamorphosis. These are big words and concepts, but the point is that you are up to the challenge that you set for yourself before this life.
You are doing what you came to do, slowly but surely, to the point of no return and to the Great Shift that was predicted and prophesied.
Be assured that we are with you to the ends of the earth, from time immemorial to timeless eternity.
You are loved, you are enough, and more than enough!
Awaken to this knowledge!
And so it is.
The Angels
Note: If you enjoy the angel energy and their messages, consider offering a donation to help us move their messages out into the world. Share the love with the world. LOVE OFFERING
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.