believe in miracles

Manifest the Miraculous

Does it seem as if you are always beginning again? It is because you are. Draw your attention to the new—to the present point of powerful creativity. Maintain your faith and focus to attract and see miracles.

Often, in the cycles of endings and new beginnings, humans focus on the endings and dwell in grief that they can no longer hold onto familiar things. This is very understandable in the third-dimensional reality, where you do not see our larger perspective of angelic realms.

When you enter with us into higher dimensions, which you now do regularly without being aware of, you do so by focusing on the excitement of the new beginning and the belief in miracles.

We encourage you to focus more on the expanded version of life you are heading into. The future is bright and wonderful when you can be open to it.

The life humanity is moving into is one of victory, growth, expansion, and endless love.

Imagine the world that your heart knows is possible and step into it.

You have been yearning for this your whole life. Allow yourself to live there in this present moment. It does not mean you do not honor your history or have abandoned those you have loved.

Cry out the real emotional grief you feel as the old falls away and then smile at the excitement of the beauty in the present. This is not wrong or ungrateful.

You came here to experience the broadest range of life experiences possible. You voted for unlimited possibilities; this is part of who you are. You have the freedom within to step into what is coming next.

Believe Your Dreams Are Reality

Beauty awaits you, not the future of fears projected upon you by your media or those who covet your life energy. You are not obliged to allow unsavory thoughts, beliefs, or perceptions to dampen your joy and abundance on earth.

As emissaries of a wide range of energy frequencies and manifestations, we suggest a different, more beneficial way of seeing things.

It is always your free will, choice, and freedom to do as you wish, and we will support you in all of it. However, it is time to be more conscious of what you choose.

In the new NOW moments of space/time, as you evolve into a multidimensional reality, we still serve you to support your life choices. We also know which things your soul contracted to do before this embodiment, and we would like to point out what is in your best interest.

Some have said that angels will not tell you what to do. We indeed hold your choice and your freedom to choose sacred. This does not mean that when you ask for direction, we stand idly by without an answer.

Your Path of Awakening

Understanding the answer for you personally does not mean that only one answer holds true for all others. This is where humanity has run amuck and created war, causing great harm to fellow souls on Earth. Every individual has a “True Self” that is their guiding light.

All are now becoming conscious of what their choices have cost, individually and collectively in civilizations of past lives. When you awaken, you make new choices. Civilizations have come and gone with immense wisdom and gifts you participated in and that you awaken to.

We will not belabor past mistakes but point out that you now have a chance to do things differently and choose again. Isn’t it glorious to choose? What follows is miraculous.

Humanity is at the Crossroads

This takes us back to the beginning and the statement of a new beginning. Are you getting a picture of the movie Groundhog Day? And so we make our point.

The Holidays and Holy Days at the end of the year are fast approaching. The harvest of what has been sown in the seeds of the cycles of time is here. You have the opportunity to be grateful, not anxious, joyful, not fearful, empowered, and not helpless. You can choose to be prayerful and not stubborn in your arrogance.

We beseech you to choose wisely at each choice point. You have many choices daily. Your ability to manifest using energy and frequency has grown, so you must be responsible and accountable for all you choose by commission or omission.

At this point in our transmission, you are accustomed to receiving an outpouring of love, comfort, and condolence from Angels and Archangels, and we will not disappoint you.

Receive A Blessing From The Seven Archangels

We come in power and glory.

We come in love and strength of purpose for the awakening of mankind.

We come for the reassurance of your individual soul and conscious identity.

Let all be lifted to a new understanding, to the joy of expanded consciousness.

We will meet you halfway, if you will but embody frequencies of light and love.

Walk with us and lift yourselves to the new life that awaits you by embodiment of the vision you seek.

You are the manifestation of divinity on earth.

You are enough.

We are complete.

And so it is.

The Angels

If you wonder what the angels have to say about your “True Self” and the joy and freedom it holds for you. Read this message of freedom with the energy of Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel: Freedom to Be Yourself

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Lindsay Godfree
Life Coach, Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities, freelance writer, award winning photographer, and creator of The Consciousness Guide.


  1. Nancy on November 4, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    this is so beautifully said. thankyou for the transmission. love and big hugs Nancy

    • Lindsay Godfree on November 5, 2024 at 11:22 am

      Thank you, Nancy; it is such a blessing for me to receive messages for those in my followers and friends group! I am sure the messages would not come through without you!


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.