happy ending

Laugh With Angels Shift the World

Angel blessings this day and everyday as this NOW moment is the eternal now of being.

What this means is that everything you ever need is present with you now.

It is such a magical play of the light that one has but to shift slightly. Shift your angle to see the many facets of being as they go on and on, as ONE to infinity.

Just a slight shift in perception and you can see it all.

A Hall of Mirrors

Life is like a hall of mirrors at the fun-house where whatever you see is reflecting back and repeats again and never ends. This never ending array of the reflection of you is the game of funny faces that you pull to have a laugh at yourself.

This is the same mind of God Consciousness that creates and recreates to see itself and to have a laugh at himself/herself.

If you will but have a laugh at yourself, you can break the spell of the strangeness of all the reflections that you see today in your world of form.

If you are feeling down about what you see remember that it is just a passing cloud in the sky of being. There is no need to hold any painful thing to look more deeply at it and repeat.

Step away. Laugh and try another pose in that mirror of being. Things are not the struggle that they appear to be. Find reasons to smile and to laugh.

This reminds you of the quote of Saint Germain, “It is the sense of struggle that makes the struggle.” And the Buddha who points out that wrestling with the illusion creates suffering.

No Need for Struggle or Suffering

Everything that is happening is the medicine of the soul to awaken the God Source within.

You may remember that song, that a “Spoonful of Sugar” helps the medicine go down. Like the story of Mary Poppins, the cleanup work is done in no time and play is the order of the day.

You can also look at your current “problems” like the fairytale story of the “Princess and the Pea.”  There is that irritation that is like that bump under your mattress that keeps you agitated but it is only the test of your sensitivity. Your ability to feel that slightest bump under the mattress is that proves that you are the “TRUE Princess.”

Ha-Ha, there is no doubt that you are the true Princess—the true heir of the kingdom of abundance and riches of spirit. No matter how many mattresses are piled on that pea, you will still feel it underneath you.

There is no denying the Divinity spark that must be acknowledged. Your true nature will be revealed. This is the deep meaning of the analogy and the deeper meaning of the story.

Skip to the Happy Ending

What is the end of the story? In the end you are seen for who you are—you marry the prince and live happily ever after. This is a fairytale but like all good stories the symbolism leads you to the discovery of your royal destiny.

In the end there is the awakening to All-That-Is and the larger truth that it was in you all along.

Play the story out or skip to the end—it does not matter.

You come to your “Angels” to give you clarity and they talk in metaphors, symbols and stories so you can see the patterns that appear. These repeat so you will be comforted in consistency of the framework of the geometric patterns.

It is these patterns that support all of life. Feel that support now.

The Geometry of the Universe

There are patterns that hold you. There are frameworks that support you and hold you up. Even your bad habits are supportive and comfortable to you—that is why you hold onto them.

We remind you that you know you can change them at any time. You are the magician and the alchemist of the Consciousness that is everywhere and everything.

Sit with that and feel into that.

Grab onto our hands that reach out to assist you.

Link arms with the chain of Archangels around you now and to connect to the very engine of the Cosmos.

Feel the electro-magnetic energy of connection.

Don’t let go but walk with us arm in arm and hand in hand. Just walk—one foot in front of the other. Hold on.

Step and step again, Manifest that pattern.

And so it is,

The Angels


1 Comment

  1. Lorrie on February 2, 2022 at 4:39 pm

    Great energy and very uplifting! It is time for fun. Kids love to make faces in the mirror. We adults need to do more of this.


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.