
Healing Tips – Archangel Raphael Prayer

The air is full of plasma from on-high. You may not know of this element or what that means to you. We of the Angelic Realms can address the bounties of plasma nourishing new humans. The air is alive with it.

This is light materializing in a greater way in the air of Earth. It is not noticeable to you, but it may be helpful for you to know that many things are being done from other dimensions to aid your health and well-being. (See the end notes below for a deep dive into plasma.)

We have often taught you the value of breathing, and we certainly mention it often in conjunction with using meditation to be able to hear us. Remember to breathe deeply into your solar plexus to release the past energy from karmic situations that must be released now. This is an excellent opportunity as you shift to the next dimension.

It will not hurt you if you do not want to let go of your hurts just yet, but many of them will not be addressed in this lifetime if they are not cleared now—the ways of your human creativity with change. There will be no time for revisiting the past.

Angelic Advice for Health

Do not let our words worry you; just breathe. Do whatever daily breathwork exercises you can do. Take every opportunity to go out in nature to breathe the fresh air that is cleansed by forests worldwide.

Of course, do not do your deep breathing in city centers or other places with poor air quality. If air quality is an issue in your area, consider an air purifier for your home.

It is a time to bolster your health. Many of you have been aware of healthful activities and natural healing for some time. But be even more conscious and do whatever you can to take better care of yourself and your loved ones.

If possible, relieve stress in your life. Your body will be stressed by changes in your routines, planetary events, and the release of energies that are no longer part of the new shift of consciousness.

Continue to follow your passion and be alert to the messages that we, your guides, offer in your life. There are messages all around you. Pay attention to your intuition and develop it more. It is like a muscle that must be used to be strengthened.

Also, follow the synchronicities that you experience more often with delight. Your path forward is the people you will meet and the opportunities that arrive.

Healing Angels Come When Called

Call in energies the angels of healing, thought forms, healthful activities, and light energies. As you do so, the power of healing will flow to you. (As this is done, Archangel Raphael steps in.)

I AM the Archangel Raphael. Many know me as the archangel archetype of healing.

I have come to begin a healing cycle for the earth and all thereon. As the frequency of life is upgraded, more opportunities for energy healing are unfolding.

I work with health and healing in many ways, including innovations and inventions of the light-bringers, which will help all have well-being and shift to unity consciousness. There will be more healthcare help. You have made the call for assistance, and you have been heard.

There has been misuse of the energies of creation long enough. Moving forward, a limit to dis-ease in the forcefield of Unity Consciousness has been decreed. With a greater love evolving within you, the anti-love activities that have been allowed to exist will cease in this reality.

The time it takes to enact the physical changes has been shortened because a large number of individuals are awakening. They are in many avenues of life, and this mass awakening to Oneness makes all the difference.

Unsettling Change is Eminent, a Channeled Message from 2018,

Archangel Raphael Healing Prayer

I AM Archangel Raphael of the Green Ray flowing through many healing hearts and hands.

I have come with a clearing and a healing blessing to point the way to wholeness today.

Let the Earth be healed of malice and judgment.

Let the prayer of St. Francis be common knowledge—

for the healing must happen within.

Repeat, “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury pardon.”

Do you believe in miracles?

It is a miracle that divine intervention comes and is received.

If you believe, then receive this healing blessing NOW.

Receive the ease of your burdens through the power of faith and love everlasting.

It is done.

Read Angels Healing Care for Heart Healing: See, feel, and know this green healing light as a great love that fills you up to make you whole.

And so it is.

The Angels


Notes: Plasma has “a correspondence with the traditional Elements.  The first 4 Elements (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire) align with the four states of matter and the corresponding 4 Density Levels.  The 5th Element, Ether, lines up with Density 5 in the Primal Light fields.  Plasma corresponds to the Fire Element, which is very appropriate.  Density 4 bridges between the matter fields and the pure energy of Light.  It is the first condensation of Light into Matter.  Plasma can be regarded as an interface between matter and light.” For the full scientific-based definition of plasma, refer to the Emerald Awakening website


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.