Freedom to Be Yourself
At the core of your being is a flame of purity, which is the divine spark. This life essence is the design, the chord, and the signature of your true identity, as the “light being” that you truly are.
This spark is layered with many levels (or bodies) that include overlaying veils of density that are your method of supporting the illusion of your separateness from Source. While this illusion of separateness was part of the grand design of planet Earth, it is time to take off the robes of your disguise.
You can look at what is going on around you as the last acts of a theatrical experience. This is voiced by the playwright, Shakespeare when he declares, “All the world is a stage and each plays his part.” We have spoken of this in other transmissions before. Reference to Awaken – It’s Game Over from December 2018
If you look at the play of opposition that exists in the duality of good and evil—a theme that you love to play over and over—there is a culmination and resolution. It is much like a grand finale in a symphony of complex patterns when harmony and majesty come together in the final chord.
There is great tension and stress that calls for resolution and balance.
Transition to New Beginning
Lest you think the worst, we assure you that humanity and life on earth are far from ending. Some threaten you and tempt you into scaring yourself with the dramatic emotional charge that horrific endings invoke.
These powerful influencers can more easily manipulate you with fear and emotionalism. We in higher vibrational realms hope that you refuse to be manipulated.
The angelic and other extraterrestrials are all watching in awe and wonder at the many choices and variations on the themes that you choose to enact. Inevitably, the way you use your creativity is magical, creating what has never been manifested before while ascending in physicality.
Awakening to Consciousness
In the cycles of time, you are at a turning point where choices of what you want to experience come at you in rapid succession. Everything seems to be speeding up and with new technologies coming online, your time has run out to laze around.
Come into alignment and be honest with yourself. What are you choosing with your attention and focus? What you choose is what will happen. Creating, or manifesting, as you like to call it, happens faster and faster. Understand that lack of consciousness, inattention, or feigning ignorance is also a choice.
Humanity is upgrading. It is time to advance, grow up individually and as a species, and take responsibility for your creations.
This is not meant to be harsh. We only wish to awaken you to your greatness and arise from the slumber of density that exists in the dimensions of time and space that you have occupied.
Earth herself does not want to “play the game” anymore. There is evolution at foot. Discover where it is taking you. It is beyond space and time. Life may soon be fantastical in its reality. Are you willing to let others decide for you?
What about your freedom of choice? Choose consciously with right-choice-ness.
Celebrate Freedom of Choice
It is the celebration of freedom for the United States of America on July 4th. It is no coincidence that we ask you to take responsibility for your freedoms. Freedom is one of the attributes and energies of higher realms.
You are aligned with them when you stand for everyone’s rights to freedom of expression, and the rights of life, liberty, and happiness.
There is a rumble of tumultuous events to awaken understanding within the masses to an awareness of what you truly want. The more you can align yourself with your self-mastery, choosing the highest and best for everyone, the sooner you will see the shift to unity.
The sooner you find harmony and peace within, the sooner you can bring that to your community. The sooner there is allegiance in the community, the sooner it expands to other regions and countries. And so forth, as it ripples out into the world at large.
The ripples and rumbles are rising.
Energetic Alignment
Alignment within the energy frequencies allows you to harmonize weaving them together, creating patterns of beauty. This is the level of creation where the difference is made. Many of you are aware of this, so see that your thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment.
This is not said lightly. We understand the devotion and personal commitment needed to achieve the development necessary for your upgrade and evolution. It comes with a great deal of stress, fear, courage, and overcoming of inertia. It is monumental!
Transformations and metamorphoses are occurring.
“Freedom to Fly: The Phoenix of Your Own Liberation” from May 20, 2020
Angels Champion Your Freedom
We, the angels and Ascended Masters champion your freedom. You can be assured of the victory, and yet there are easier as well as harder ways to experience the transition that is upon you. We encourage you to align with the forces that you reserve for heaven.
We ask that you do your best to bring that heaven to earth. Know that you have support, and it is not only possible but has every possibility that you will rise without experiencing many of the things you fear.
Our advice is that you turn away from feeding the fear. Ask us for help so that we are free to assist you.
Cultivate love, which is the solvent for every solution. Study love and all its forms, choosing the most loving thing you can. Love yourself through your doubts, fears, and self-judgment.
You can rise to the occasions that are presented to you in each moment of now.
Stay alert and awake. Listen to your intuition, angels, and guides.
At this time, celebrate your freedoms!
Celebrate the comradery that you feel as you join with like-minded individuals and causes.
We join with you in purpose and the spirit of freedom that you embody.
And so it is.
The Angels
Notes: Archangel Zadkiel is commonly associated with freedom, which is an attribute of the purple 7th Ray. Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means “Righteousness of God,” is known as the Archangel of Mercy. Mercy and forgiveness are road signs that point us ultimately toward the destination of freedom.
Ascended Master Saint Germaine is the champion of freedom and is credited as one of the inspirational founders of the United States.
1 Comment
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
There is a lot to take in from this message! I felt an urgency to be motivated, make choices, and take action. Things are indeed speeding up.