Archangel Hope on Peace
In the spaces between every atom, in the quiet knowing of all creation, is the peace where you will return again and again. This peace is always there at the center—at grounding—and the core of who you are.
Search no more for comfort but go deep instead—deep in the well of light flowing within.
What goes on around you in the world at large and in your own life experience, is like the waves of the ocean. Sometime calm and sometimes rough seas. These reflect the passing storms and upset, yet you are supported by the ocean of peace and love below this surface.
Feel into this depth, and from there, you can make decisions of what is next for you.
What you want to accomplish is not to try to stop the waves from happening; but rather, to be more centered in the equanimity of the natural tides of the cycles of earth and stars.
The creation of Source is enough the way it is and you are enough—the very glory of Consciousness itself. Stay present with this.
Presence is the Answer
You sometimes feel frantic about doing and not doing. What is it that I am supposed to be doing? You are doing your unique version of how you choose to do LIFE—your life. You are being life itself. There is not a greater calling.
So you are better served by asking, “How do I be true to myself in this moment—in this choice—in this situation?” And what is the highest and best for all? The great passions of love in your heart is the best answer always.
You can always tune into your angelic self and ask us for the clarity and strength to carry you forward.
At the same time, you are responsible for your own life experience and your choices. Know that the choices that you have already made and lived out were the best ones at the time. There is not a “wrong” choice because all is a valuable experience.
New Time Frame
In this new time frame of the dawning New Age you will find yourself doing things differently. You will find that your choices are more supportive to the version of yourself that is the updated and truer YOU.
Just let that blossom from your heart connections. You cannot think yourself into the new world that is coming. You must relax and feel your way through. Relax and have fun with those that you love and the activities that inspire you.
Look for the messages—the meanings that inspire you in everything. Look at life with awe and wonder. These viewpoints are available every day. Find them. Get your mind on board with looking for the magical in life.
The practice of gratitude will always serve you and is one you can return to time and time again.
We tell you over and over of meditation, prayer, affirmation and song. These can be mixed and matched to get you to the resonance of the feelings and the life experiences that will raise you to the next level.
By raising yourself to be you best SELF, you will bring in the world that you wish to see. You cannot fail because LOVE has already won. You know this at the deepest level of your being. Fear is a vibration that is blowing away with the winds of change.
Blessed by Archangel Hope
I AM HOPE the Archangel consort of Gabriel and the bringer of the tiding of JOY! We are of the Archangels of the God Source that created the heavens and earth.
I boost the energies of hope, charity, love and compassion on the earth, through your form. Anchor these energies—live in these energies and radiate them to the world that needs them now!
You are the light of the world. You are the bringer of good tidings of great joy.
Be blessed with this download of energy and of the understanding and of the knowledge of this energy at your core and stand in that.
We are the Archangels and the frequencies of the various attributes of Creation and you are connected with us at all times.
And so it is,
The Angels
“Gabriel and Hope are archangel and archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Together with the angels of purity and the seraphim, these twin flames guard the immaculate concept of the God design for every man, woman and child upon the planet.”
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.