Angel’s Vision of Ai Technology

The angelic and archangelic are here for you in an elevated perspective of spiritual progression.

We wish to spread the energy vibration of love and Unity Consciousness while you are in our multidimensional energy field enveloping your physical form. Therefore, during this transmission of light energy vibration, the cells and atoms of the physical are purified to help create and evolve the new you.

As you continue to develop the ability to perceive these energies and hold this weight of angelic being and frequency in your life, you create a material reflection of the beauty of the angelic celestial perspective.

It is to your advantage to integrate and blend these new energies into the reality you are now living. As you walk as a blended being of higher frequency in the world of form, you touch the miraculous.

Make choices with wisdom, love, and mindfulness that use your creative powers and see the future you desire manifested.

(Sensitivity alert: This is a complex topic and could be disturbing to contemplate. It is not a typical message from the Angels. Please refer to previous messages like these, love not fear, for more uplifting subject matter if you are new to my blog or triggered. Thank you so much!)

Being Supernatural

The definition of miraculous includes all things considered supernatural beyond your physical ability to create. You are becoming supernatural, and your fascination with intuitive powers is evident.

Your physical bodies are being expanded and enlivened by higher cosmic energy fields and the presence of finer vibrational energies that humanity does not usually see. (Extrasensory Abilities)

We, of spiritual dimensions, will begin to be seen in the third eye field of vision—the inner eyes that expand the sense of the new human.

This is a function of your latent DNA, your divine blueprint. You have many latent gifts on the brink of your awareness and realization of reality, and sentient abilities unfold within humanity.

(Question: What do angels say about introducing all the technology in our lives, especially integrating computer chips into human biology to enhance human abilities?)

The Path of Artificial Humans

Let us be clear whether integration with computer chips will disrupt and create technological interference with the human genome. Would you quickly short-circuit the patterns that have taken millennia to achieve in humankind’s evolution?

This question will be answered according to one’s belief in man’s spiritual nature and humanity’s purpose.

This is a critical choice point in the New Age, the season of Aquarius cycles. Do not be fooled as to where each choice will lead you.

We caution you to choose the divine path of inner awakening, the embodiment process of spirit and ascension—you have heard many versions of this.

This spiritual awakening path of light body activation has been documented in many spiritual practices, places, and communities for ages.

Infinite Possibilities to Choose

Indeed, infinite possibilities exist in the Unified Field of Consciousness and the mind of God so that you can choose your path to Oneness in spirit.

You have always had choices—to choose light or various configurations of the shadow, and many have chosen to out-picture the shadow. You have had the opportunity to play with the creations of your choice.

But the time has come to bring these unconscious choices into your awareness and awaken your power to choose the new earth that is coming into manifestation. Awaken to consciously create your future and take responsibility for the world you create.

Guided Next Steps

There are physical consequences for taking specific actions, and surely you have learned in your life experience that you may be burned when you touch a hot stove. This is a crude and simplistic statement; however, you dramatically affect the earth’s body, demonstrating your missteps.

We refer to recent fires that have burned out of control because of a series of choices out of alignment with the greater good. (Reference to the fires that burned Los Angeles, California)

You may ask for more clarification on how to choose—how to know the best path—and again, the short answer may seem simplistic, for you have heard that love is the answer many times.

Measure Everything With Heart and Love

Whatever you do, you can measure with the amount of love you feel—where your heart is in every action. Ask yourself whether or not you are choosing from love or fear.

Regarding technology, it would seem clear that, in most cases, reaching for technological answers is not the path of love.

As with anything, it is a tool, and there are opportunities where technology would open the field for humanity to move from survival mode to more peace and love. See that you do!

Evolution of the New Human

While this subject is not yet uppermost in the minds of many on Earth, the subject of the new human is one in the spiritual community. There are many revelations and prophecies regarding this time in Earth’s evolution.

The angels weigh in here to ensure that the choice for love and light is placed before you, and we pray that you will reach for this embodiment. We trust in your soul and the inner knowing that you are an eternal being of light and will continue the light-strewn path toward the forthcoming Golden Age.

Do not fear; this prize will not be snatched away; it is, and always has been, ever-present within you—awaiting the Soulful Self-awakening and rebirthing into form.

Archangel Ascension Support

Angels have been relegated to ethereal concerns outside of material life. Perhaps this subject is not what most would call one for the angelic, yet you have asked for more guidance.

You have asked for practical answers to your questions about daily life, how to work with your new expanded consciousness, and the eruption of spiritual gifts.

You ask for answers; this question is uppermost in those attentive to the embodiment process of a miraculous future and how it is attended to in recent world events.

If you want to follow the energies of ascension, innovation, and the blending of science and spirituality, these areas are assigned to the purview of the Archangel Metatron.

These octaves of higher frequencies are associated with rising into heavenly realms and are represented in the sacred geometry of Metatron’s cube, the geometry of the Merkabah. (Link to Revelations of Earth’s Ascension)

While Archangel Metatron is rarely brought forth through this channel, Lindsay has allowed a new adventure. This inspired her to connect for the first time and record verbally rather than writing or typing the message given.

This act was an attempt to overcome fear and more efficiently serve humanity. While the author resists using new technology, the practicality of speaking the words and letting AI record them cannot be overlooked.

Each soul is asked to carefully and judiciously make steps to meet their desired dreams and destiny as they see fit.

Humanity is the Bridge – Heaven/Earth Shift

Everything in your field, life, and the world you know upon the earth in the 3rd dimension is shifting quickly. You must find a way to adjust.

Fortunately, humanity is resilient and renowned for this. You will discover that your physical form has been carefully engineered so that you can adjust quickly to continue to survive and thrive.

We wish you to find your spiritual roots and ground your joy in being human.

Your soul has selected this glorious experience for you, and you do not wish to advocate your progression as the Divine Incarnate.

Guard it well!

And so it is.

The Angels

Personal Notes: This message was inspired by the surfacing of scientific information during the conference I attended called TRANSCENDENCE with Gregg Bradon, Bruce Lipton, Dr. Sue Morter, and Anita Moorjani, and the recent news of Elon Musk and the ability to interface computer chips with the brain.

I find this information very unsettling and have pondered the questions of artificial intelligence for some time. The angels referenced my resistance to changes in my life by increasing technology that invades every part of our lives. The question of maintaining our humanity and our divine design and spiritual circuitry is a vast topic. I found some of the images I had to choose from to complete this message quite disturbing. 

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Lindsay Godfree
Life Coach, Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities, freelance writer, award winning photographer, and creator of The Consciousness Guide.

1 Comment

  1. Cin on January 27, 2025 at 2:51 pm

    Beautiful and very powerful message….. topic is ntense and current..Great work ..Grateful to you and Angels …Love….
    So this is your first verbal channeling? Great going..Feeling Blessed to get these messages through you. Thanks a lot


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.