Transform Pain for Rebirth
I am the inspiration of the mind of God—the muse of creativity and the messenger announcing the birth of the…
READ MORE >>Revelations of Earth’s Ascension
On ascension, shifting to a higher state of consciousness, and current events… We of the angelic councils of light wish…
READ MORE >>Are You Working with Angels
Many wonderful benefits come from working with the angels. Do you have a working relationship with angels and other spirit…
READ MORE >>Angel Number 55
The angel meaning of the number 55 represents a period of transformation, adaptability, and embracing the flow of life. It…
READ MORE >>Angels Are Real
You are never alone; we, the angels, are truly always with you and at your beck and call. This is…
READ MORE >>Life Purpose and Practice
Prioritizing your life is done on a spiritual level according to your life plan and soul purpose. Those plans and…