Duck Spirit Animal Message
Ducks arrived to deliver a personal spirit animal message to me and to show how answers arrive from Spirit in different ways, like animal totems. What would you think if you saw these ducks parade in front of you?
Everything we experience is an energy message that we can take meaning from. I believe in having a meaningful life full of miracles and magic.
The other day, I saw a mother duck with 6 ducklings walk by my house. I live in a desert with no pond or water nearby, so seeing this duck with six tiny babies waddling down the pavement in front of me, was a small miracle.
This sighting has a symbolic meaning, so I looked up the spiritual meaning of ducks. This further clarified the personal message for me.
What Does Seeing Ducks Mean?
Duck symbolism speaks to looking at our ability to form connections. Seeing them where they are not supposed to be draws our attention to our ability to have meaningful relationships.
There isn’t a relationship that has more meaning than mothers with their babies, which is what stands out to me with this sighting. What about the number six?
According to Tiny Rituals, “The meaning of angel number 6 is all about cultivating a beautiful balance between the material world and the spiritual world. This number is sent from our guardian angels to press on us the importance of family life, the home, love, and finding new pathways and positive energy within all of this.”
Ducks with ducklings highlight the importance of nurturing, which makes sense that they showed up for Mother’s Day, as a reminder to take the time to nurture our personal relationships, as well as the social ones in “the flock.”
My Meaning Revealed
The sacred bonds between family, and specifically mothers and daughters, are for me beyond just human experience. I want to recognize here the love I hold for my six daughters; Zana, Arwen, Vanessa, Rachel, Faith, and Brianna.
I have often said that my children are “the wind beneath my wings.,” as I stated in the dedication of my book, Awakening Consciousness – Discovering a Larger Version of Self. I also paid tribute to my mother, Suzanne, who has always supported my dreams.
This duck message was a foreshadowing of Mother’s Day this year. With it, I am wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all with this message!
More Good Luck
Ducks also symbolize happiness and good luck. Not surprisingly, ducks have been a family symbol for me and my six girls for years.
I remembered a sign I had commissioned, It shows Mama Duck herding her children, painted on a wooden plaque. It says, “Happiness is Being Together.” That became our motto because I worked so much that we didn’t get together as often as we liked.
I am always surprised and delighted by the way spirit shows up and speaks in symbols! Do you have an animal totem as a spirit guide?
How To Discover Spirit Animals
According to the Shamans, spirit animals may show up for you over and over again. They may be the ones that appear in times of trouble or get your attention by being in an unusual place or doing something unexpected.
They may come to you in dreams, in meditation, or on vision journeys in ceremony. I loved experiencing a ritual of discovery to find my various animal totems led by a Native American guide.
Some spirit animals stay with us for life and others come to us for a certain specific revelation. I practice my intuition by using various animal oracle cards where they may appear for you in an intuitive reading.
You can get an Angel-Oracle Reading Right Here
More Spirit Animal Totems:
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.