Transform Pain for Rebirth
I am the inspiration of the mind of God—the muse of creativity and the messenger announcing the birth of the new. I AM speaking as Gabriel the Archangel to announce what is birthing anew as renewal for you.
I hear your resistance to more changes, even though massive change is necessary and allows regeneration. Many changes are happening on planet Earth as she ascends to 5th-dimensional consciousness. (Earth Ascending Gaia Sofia reference.)
You feel you must paddle fast and hard to keep up. You may also feel grief at what is gone and will never be the same again. You may feel overwhelmed. There is energy to feel and release
There is stress to be released and repurposed. You long for the safety of knowing what is next and the release of the fear of not enough. I am speaking to these questions that are active within your energy body.
What if the simple answer is only a decision to let go and go with the flow?
How Does One Let Go?
This is not a new concept if you practice riding the waves—the ebb and flow of energy at this time in Earth’s evolution. Vibrational energy is now in the collective consciousness, and you may have an active, spiritual, energetic practice.
Perhaps you are new to listening to spirit; nevertheless, you all desire to establish a more comfortable rhythm with energy waves. You want ease of agitation, stress, and inflammation in the body.
I, Gabriel, have come to assure you that the seeds you have sown and the work you have done in this life and others have led you to this point of the Shift of the Ages, and you are ready for a New Earth.
Or perhaps you say you are “as ready as you will ever be” as you take the leap of faith off the cliff into the rushing water of what is coming.
This points back to the ever-unfolding NOW of the eternal.
Answers for the Now Reality
It is all “well and good” to discuss lofty energies and concepts, but Lindsay wants to know, “How do I apply them to the present reality, where consciousness has landed in a linear format?”
Complex emotions are part of the human journey. Your body adjusts to the flow of all the transformative vibrations, and you come to life to explore them.
You intended to transform the energies for creative manifestations.
You are aligning the many layers of your body, including the physical, mental, emotional, and subtle bodies. Still, many discount those parts of themselves that are relegated to spirit.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, all is being transformed and will transcend.
We, the angels, assure you this alignment is being accomplished, for your soul knows the way. As the Buddha was credited with saying, “It is the resistance that causes suffering.”
Practice release by breathing light and loving consciously to awaken and relieve suffering.
Conscious Breathwork Meditation
Set an intention to let go of the resistance to changes.
We ask that you take a deep breath from overhead, expand the solar plexus, breathe deeply through your central core, and follow the light energy to an anchor in the earth’s center.
As you continue breathing, notice where you are feeling resistance in your body.
Squeeze, contract that place of pain or discomfort within, and breathe deeply again, releasing the resistant energy to transform it with loving energy from the heart.
There is transformation within and then the out-breath. Repeat this as often as necessary, ending your practice with a sigh.
Your body facilitates this, letting go of the tension and stress you unconsciously hold onto.
Perhaps no one has said this to you before, and we are opening you to a new understanding. Or maybe you have forgotten or not taken the time to practice. Now is the time to focus on breathing consciously.
You can be aware of the divine energy coming in from overhead, running through your central core, which you send into the ground beneath you, anchoring into Mother Earth.
As a new creation, Source energy does breathe you into existence.
Breath As Love As Life
We have called you the lightning rods of the energy of Source, anchoring the light into the earth. Conscious awareness and intention are very powerful.
Every conscious breath makes a difference. Do it often.
This teaching involves ringing the bell-tone chord of Archangel Uriel, whose moniker is the “Light of God.” Do you hear the sound associated with this angelic chord?
You can practice the sounds associated with the angels, which will also help you. Breathe the music. (Archangel Sandalphon assists in this.)
Think of the breath itself as light energy, which light is the truth of who you are.
Consciously breathe it into all parts of you. Bathe each organ and each cell in this light and love. This is what is the reality.
In the “beginning,” there was light. (Reference to the biblical creation story.)
The Breath of the Archangels
At this time, we blow a breath of purity, of cosmic creative freshness, upon you for your regeneration.
Ready for a rebirth.
The Angels and Archangels provide a protective forcefield so you do not reattach to the energies of pain you have passed through.
We transmute all that you have consciously and willingly released with your breathwork today.
Be healed by the divine energy that surrounds you now.
Go forth into your day and to your work, shining the light of love where you are.
Breathing consciously with love as you go.
And so it is.
The Angels
*Genesis 1:3 “Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.
“The foundation of prosperity is actually our breathing. Following the nature and rhythm of our breath brings us deep down to a feeling of security in our bodies. Coming to this center is a place where nothing can shake you because, in your core center, you are an eternal being. At some level, you aren’t even afraid of death because you know this.” ~Richard Rudd – author of the Gene Keys on The Six Core Wounds Around Money , YouTube Video
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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
Hi Lindsay!
Hope this new year finds you well and happy.
What resonated with me in this passage from Gabriel was this:
“I, Gabriel, have come to assure you that the seeds you have sown and the work you have done in this life and others have led you to this point of the Shift of the Ages, and you are ready for a New Earth.”
I am re-reading Eckhart Tolles’s book, A New earth…
Onward and upward oh soldier oh truth!