Are You Working with Angels
Many wonderful benefits come from working with the angels. Do you have a working relationship with angels and other spirit guides? You could and I do believe that we should.
You may wonder who they are anyway. Maybe you have never been properly introduced to angels. For some, they are merely fairy tales.
They are so much more than “fairies who locate parking places,” appearing to be just hanging around waiting to find your lost car keys, or stepping in when we need protection from “dark forces.”
Angels have deep, energetic blessings to bestow upon us.
There are reasons why angels and archangels have been appearing to mankind since the beginning of time. Called the messengers of God, archangels are energetic light beings who vibrate at the frequencies of the attributes of God/Source.
These frequencies correspond energetically to the twelve light rays of color and are historically portrayed as twelve major archangels. These twelve attributes of God are vortexes of light that resonate at light frequencies and also correspond to sounds and mathematical codes.
This is an excerpt from my next book about how I became a channel for the Angels, coming soon. If you are on my email list you will receive information on the cover reveal, early access, and bonus material as I move to book launch countdown near the holidays.
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Energy Science of Angels
Energetic information bombards the Earth—as electromagnetic beings, we receive them through our bodies by way of the energy centers known as the chakra system.
Angel messages are being received all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Everyone is a channel for these cosmic forces. We only have to learn to use our built-in spiritual technology to interpret them.
(Special Note: This message is in the process of being written live on my 10th Anniversary Celebration Day for the Consciousness Guide Blog. Here is the link to my very first post: Welcome to the Consciousness Guide
Channeled: Angel Energies Are Channeled Now
Many think that communing with angels is a special event and it is. However, you have separated yourself from the angelic realms and maintain the separation religiously. We come to you this day to address this issue.
We are with you and merge with you in the Cosmic Consciousness, the Unified Field of Source. You call this energy God and many other names, as you separate yourself from your divine nature. This God is known as omnipresent, omniscient, and everlasting. So by definition, you are part of God.
We ask you to become one with your true self, which is connected to all things. This is not to destroy the reverence you hold for things that are most sacred and holy but to allow that holiness to creep into your knowingness. This is what you call awakening.
This is a transfiguration, it is a falling away of an illusion that God has left you. This is not the truth; you have never been abandoned by the divine–maybe you could just consider it a vacation. (Angel’s sense of humor once again.)
When you allow yourself to resonate with the angels and angelic frequencies you do become what is considered to be more holy. We are the personification of the Light of God, the Love of God, the Messenger of God, and so forth as our ancient names imply. You would do well to quote “hang out” with us. (List of the Archangels their names and powers link)
Make no mistake we are with you anyway, whether you are conscious of that contact or not. You would benefit from making our acquaintance and learning to bathe in our frequencies frequently (pun intended). Many on earth are popping into the angelic realms often these days and we welcome you!
Those of you who read these messages do so because you recognize and enjoy the energy that you are tapping into and resonate with.
Earth Spiritual Form
We shift our message to the planetary consciousness and the consciousness shift happening in the present now. Once you have a taste of the bliss of the higher realms you will not want to tarry in density and discord.
The Earth Gaia is evolving and so are you. Soon everyone will have forgotten the days of separation that have been Dark Ages. There is light that is dawning in the 3D reality of Earth. Everything is changing and you will want help in navigating these changes. The future is not set.
We ask you to be aware the predictions are not helpful. You want to exercise your power as a creator being to “imagineer” your future self into existence. Many are still taking a back seat to their creatorship and personal power.
Step into Self-Empowerment
Realize that you do make a difference with every step to take and every choice that you make. Life is happening fast and you do not want to miss any opportunity to create the life you want to live. You want to leave a legacy of enlightenment. This is your purpose.
Archangel Michael steps forward:
I AM the Archangel Michael, I step forward as the the champion of your lifestream and your purpose. I am the protector of the faith–the faith in life, in God, in yourself. Have faith in this time that there is a grand design and that you are a part of this design.
I cannot impress this upon you enough. You are the creator for you are the being in physical manifestation. You must step into your glory and your victory. I will lead you on as the power of light and love that is the very essence of life itself.
Blessing of Archangel Micheal
Blessings be upon you! You are the strength and the power.
The energy of the light flows through you!
Be blessed with this light and love!
All is forgiven by the Father/Mother God and all of life,
see how forgiving your Earth is nurture her at every opportunity.
Nurture and love yourself, for as you grow in appreciation and gratitude for Self–
for self-sovereignty, you pass it on to all of life.
It is so magnificent. Do you not feel expanded and wonderful?
You are loved and held. And championed always by the angelic hosts.
We salute you in your victory!
All courageous action at this time moves mountains.
~Archangel Michael
And so it is.
The Angels
Dear Readers,
I am grateful for all of you who are a part of my community who make these messages possible. It is so much easier and more fun as a group energy. There is great love present! I do feel blessed!
I would love to have more contact with you. I have been able to heal through the angel messages the great fear of being seen and of speaking. This is for many a “fear worse than death” and has been for me personally. You can contact me through the contact form on my website and also I would appreciate comments.
With a Grateful Heart,
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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
Congrats@10th Anniversary of your Blog/Guide!!!.
Been so helpful in my journey. Such a blessing to find you and your blog containing many priceless channeled messages.Thank you
Great going…