Tuning Fork Sound Healing Therapy
What is Tuning Fork Sound Therapy?
To explain sound therapy using tuning forks, one must start with energy, frequency, and the sacred geometry used in the organization of matter. Quantum Physics tells us that everything is energy and matter is not as solid as we believe it to be. Holistically speaking, we exist as a body of matter, mind, emotion and as a spirit, all of which are forms of energy. We are all just energy-beings with varying frequencies, even down to each cell of our being and beyond.
“Quantum physics has found that there is no empty space in the human cell, but it is a teeming, electric-magnetic field of possibility or potential.” Deepak Chopra
The purpose of energy work, as many of you know, is to attain balance. For example, if everything is in balance, such as the Ph level, the physical body can heal more naturally. It’s the same way in our energy bodies. If we can find that energy balance, that equilibrium, where everything aligns or everything comes into synchronization into the rhythm of the dance of life – then healing becomes the natural state. The natural state of the body is health and it returns to that state.
Why are so many people turning to Tuning Forks and Sound Therapy?
- Provides a deep state of relaxation to relieve stress
- Acts quickly and holistically with our energy bodies
- Improves mental clarity and brain functioning
- Increases physical energy and mental concentration
- Develops and refines your molecular signaling abilities
- Enhances massage, acupressure, and meditation
- Brings your nervous system into balance
- Integrates left and right brain thought patterns
To become a Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner –Click on the calendar button to find out when and where the next class will be offered.
How Does Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Work?
One can use tuning forks and sound to experience deep levels of healing. Sound penetrates to bring your body back to its fundamental pulse and connect you to your Authentic Life Rhythm–your true blueprint.
It’s nothing supernatural, or miraculous, it is just science.
However, heaven could be described as “the complete synchronization with higher frequencies and vibrations of creation being totally entrained. In other words, being in a state of at-one-ment,” according to David Hulse, at SomaEnergetics.
This is the level of consciousness that is opening to us in many ways. We may experience a new paradigm that is emerging for the purpose of healing all separation.
Sound Therapy is a huge part of this shift in Consciousness.
For training in Tuning Fork Therapy® use the “CONTACT” tab above for the next available class. If you would like to host a class of six or more people anywhere in the western United States, we will come to you.
Our thanks to John Beaulieu of BioSonics and Dr. Leonard Horowitz for sharing their information.
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.