trust your wisdom

Light Awakens the World

“I AM the light. I am the light shining in the darkness of being.” What does this mean? It is the solstice, the most light for one side of the world and the most darkness for the other; it is metaphorical and an analogy of the kind we angelics savor.

You are truly the light of the world, as the light of heaven is pouring through you to be held and anchored into the Earth. (This may echo master teachers that you resonate with.)

This light is of the Universal Light, the light of love that is also life—the higher light of the being that IS YOU that pours into and through you, enlivened by the breath.

These may be new concepts to you, or perhaps not. Breath is light energy at a fundamental physical level.

You have discovered that you are not your body. However, you may not have discovered that your body does play a major role in the evolution of mankind and your soul’s progress.

You may want to chew on all these concepts as you contemplate their meanings.

The Angels of Light

You may question which of the angels and archangels of light are speaking to you. In actuality, we are a collective of light energy frequencies, having an aspect of personification.

The common names and duties of the energy patterns of Archangels are listed here. Yet there are many more light beings around you.

As you know from the teachings of the Law of Attraction, and the attractive powers of your mind and intention, you are a creator. This is further expanded in quantum reality, where you are becoming aware as you awaken.

In this creative expression, often called God, the Universe, and more, you are an integral part of creating what is next as you strengthen your ability to mold the material world with your alchemy.

This alchemy will come through your body technology as electromagnetic frequencies, so you are obliged to take care of this body temple for this purpose.

We hope that you will heed this admonishment.

Archangel Michael 

I am Archangel Michael, and I am come to you to speak of your life purpose, for this is part of my mission statement. Your life purpose is about love and joy at the deepest level.

Beyond this, you have set out on a mission to move certain energies by being in embodiment at this time on Earth. You are fulfilling your primary mission by simply breathing.

However, you will not find the joy that you are seeking, without achieving other things you planned to accomplish. No one can fully know what these are but yourself. It is your assignment at this point to tune into your own higher consciousness to discern how to proceed.

That is my message, and I endow you with the strength to succeed in this cosmic design of purpose.

Archangel Uriel

I am Archangel Uriel, named “The Light of God,” and this discussion on light calls to me. I am the personification of wisdom’s flame within you.

You have within you the wisdom that you need to move forward in your life. You have to tap into it. Release the doubt and fear that you have been holding. Learn to trust your deep core wisdom by anchoring to the energy of the Earth Mother.

There are many methods, techniques, and teachers to tune the wisdom that is within; take advantage of them!

Call for wisdom from the ancients, who are always with you, and from the angels, who always watch over you. You will also discover like-minded individuals on your journey who can point the way if you just look for them and accept help.

You choose which path you want to take. Do not abdicate your power to choose and cherish your freedom of choice. This is the wisdom that I leave with you this day.

The conflagration of the masters and teachers who watch over you is more than willing to help you at every turn, but you must be the one to do it. This is your precious life to live.

The Angels of Trust

We are the band of angels who represent the frequencies of trust. We chime the bell of your victory. Can you hear it?

Will you beat the drum of determination? Will you stand and still stand and not abandon yourself as the call goes out?

It is the call of the ages to come up higher, to proceed to the next level of your evolution on earth.

“Do not pass go; do not collect 100 dollars” (they are laughing at the reference to Monopoly money) in the game, but proceed to collect your reward.

In other words, do not tarry by going in circles anymore. All else is an illusion and a distraction from your purpose.

The time of destiny and wisdom is now.

We bless you with an extra dose of trust, to be spent on what you value most. Trust yourself.

Give great thought, intention, and attention as to what you value most.

And so it is.

The Angels


  1. Cin on June 17, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    Beautiful and very powerful.Thank you so much.

  2. Catherine on June 19, 2024 at 9:41 am

    Thank you for the beautiful messages!

    • Lindsay Godfree on July 14, 2024 at 11:35 am

      Catherine, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond! It means a lot to me!


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.