light cometh lindsaygodfree

Angels Ask: Choose Love, Gratitude, Joy and Peace

An Angel- Oracle Message received March 22, 2019

Your family of light is all around you. There is so much love and support for all! The recent energy shifts have definitely lightened the load for you and for all mankind.

The daily opportunity to expand and hold more light is enough to pull forward all that you need—all that you want. Relax and enjoy the journey. As you have heard and know, there are infinite possibilities in the ways to live life. The life you design and commit to is even better than you have imagined.

Just keep making progress toward your perceived goals. Listen to spirit. You cannot go wrong.

Open to Happiness

Happiness is at your doorstep. OPEN. Open to the emotions of love, peace, joy, and happiness. No worries. You can have what you want and what you believe your reality to be. Do not listen to others—their reality and perception of life is colored by their old energy patterns. Yours is unique to you.

You can tell them and show them another reality with love. Offer insight and a different understanding but in the end they choose. Everyone has chosen their experience, their own path.

You do not need to understand. It is a hologram only—reflections of energy that is already past, like an old re-run movie in black & white. Open to new colors of love and light, that come with smiles and joy. This is not a contrived deception to crush you in disappointment—this is real reality.

The future too is now, and you can begin to celebrate. No fear, no fighting, only unity and kindness. Heaven exists and can be experienced in the physical.

Peace Begins With Yourself

Make peace with yourself—with all the life experiences that you have had. The remembrance of the scenes of life gone by are only bubbles to release the emotional charge trapped inside. Pop them as they float by and let them go.

Gratitude is still the miracle worker that you have used before. Tap into that frequency as you go about your day. There is so much to be grateful for! Remind yourself and remind others. This will serve everyone who will remember to use this window to the world.

Today and every day, prioritize those things that bring you joy and take steps to make your life easier. Organization would serve you in easing your cares and agitation. Declutter as you can.

Help others as you are able. A kind word goes a long way. Continue to share appreciation for others and their journey—for all are one in the ascension process of earth.

You will begin to see changes manifest in this awakening—no matter how hard the darkness of unconsciousness tries to hang on. The light cometh!

The new earth is rising.

Stand in this knowing.

Be the light!

You are the light!

And so it is!

The Angels


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.