Happy holy days

Celebrating Holy Light

Beloved children of light, we of angelic dimensions greet you in the spirit of the Christos, Christ Consciousness, that grows with the field of Earth’s awakening.

Many turn to the faith and trust that we represent when facing turmoil, change, and new beginnings. You have experienced such tumultuous events for some time now. Though there is joy in the promise of wonderful times ahead, many are tired of the struggle.

This is when we are standing by to encourage you to “Let go and let God,” as they say.

Refer to this Channeled Message: Archangel Michael is the champion of our life plans and gifts us with an infusion of more light in this transmission to ensure our success. 

Surrender and let the current of the divine streams of love, comfort, and support surround you and hold you up.

We join you in celebrating the seasons of the coming of more light. The songs of angels ring out with glad tidings of great joy, for that is our eternal now, which we share with you.

The Holidays and Holy Days are when hearts are turned to love. Relationships with family, friends, animals, and ceremonial traditions inspire love for the creator and generate gratitude, appreciation, and wonderment.

All this is a great blessing.Legacy of the Past

Much upon Earth is healing and in the throws of transformation, transmutation, and transfiguration. This alliteration is not by accident but to emphasize the transitions of your lifestream.

Because this is a time of deep energy work, we ask you to be gentle with yourself and others. Be mindful of the pressures of life that each being on the planet must carry to reach the next level of consciousness.

We bring the gift of grace to carry you through the year’s end and into the springtime, when the new birth is more apparent. For now, enjoy quiet times and slow down your life whenever possible.

While each culture, religion, and tradition may be different, these times are blessed by the imprints of many who have gone before you and paved the way for love.

We join you all in the energy of that cloud and chorus of glory.

All are being transformed into a unity of consciousness.

Angels Help Us Release

We, the angels, will help you bear your burdens of pain, sorrow, grief, and loneliness to the heavens this season.

For those who have had past traumas, we suggest you release them to us.

Darkness has been turned toward light once again. Lift your eyes to the dawning of the new day and new year.

Declare your freedom from all that does not serve your upliftment and the ascension of all. We unite with you so that you may know you are not alone.

Let us travel together on the path of the light bearers, the mystics, the Ascended Masters, Christ Jesus, and all those whose messages of love and peace planted the seeds for the blooming of the union of heaven-earth.

We are at your service in the light of love.

And so it is.

Your Guides and Angels

Notes: This reminds me of my favorite quote, “We’re all just walking each other home,” attributed to Ram Dass. To me, this is the journey to Oneness with the All-That-Is. We are on the “Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Cambell through our human existence. This journey also refers to the journey to heaven, our eternal home, and even to the star seeds reuniting with a family in the stars.

Holidays and Holy Days that take place in December and January:

  • Hanukkah: An eight-day Jewish celebration that commemorates the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem
  • Saint Nicholas Day: A Christian holiday that takes place on December 5 or 6, and honors the birthday of Saint Nicholas, who is said to be the inspiration for Santa Claus
  • Boxing Day: A holiday celebrated on December 26 in the British Commonwealth, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Canada
  • Advent: A Christian holiday season that begins around November 30 and lasts until Christmas Eve
  • Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti: A holiday that takes place on December 22 and celebrates the birthday of the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh
  • Las Posadas: A Roman Catholic festival that takes place from December 16–24 and celebrates the search for an inn by Mary and Joseph before the birth of Jesus
  • Orthodox New Year: A holiday that takes place on January 14
  • Epiphany: A Christian holiday that takes place on January 6
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: A Christian holiday that takes place from January 18–25
  • World Religion Day: A Bahá’í holiday that takes place on January 21
  • Tu BiShevat: A Jewish holiday that takes place from January 24–25


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.