Clear the Decks for a New Life
There is a beginning within every ending. Many times, when connecting to your intuition you might see images that help…
READ MORE >>I Discovered What Really Matters
Not long ago I was at a turning point where nothing mattered anymore. I was getting nowhere. Nothing seemed important…
READ MORE >>How to Survive Chaos and the Confusion of Energy Shifts
Sometimes changes in our Mother Earth threaten to transport us beyond the veil sooner than we expected. With the increasing…
READ MORE >>Crisis of Personal Truth
During a personal crisis, many of the things you once believed were true, just aren’t any more. You need a…
READ MORE >>Angry Disillusioned Mad at God
When life sucks it’s easy to blame God for letting it happen. When he doesn’t seem to help or hear…
READ MORE >>Angels among Us
Do you believe in Angels? Many people find it easier to talk to Angels than any other heavenly beings. While…