5 Questions To Ask Yourself Daily
STOP- hold everything…
When you take your temperature for mind/body/spirit wellness and find that you are not feeling quite right, there are some simple but important questions you can ask yourself.
Ask yourself these five things before you take ANYTHING too personally or accept any kind of negativity as your state of being. Take first things first and then see how things unfold.
Begin with your physical body and correct what is physiological. It is a straightforward fix and if the body has what it needs to function effectively, it is SO much easier to bring the mental, emotional, and spiritual “selves” into top working order.
Here is a simple “How To” list of five things:
- Have you had enough water to drink? I know, it seems too simple but not being properly hydrated is the source of more problems than you know. Most people just do not drink enough water. Is this something you can fix right now? Get a big glass of water and drink while reading these facts. All About Water
- Did you get enough rest? Many people are just sleep deprived—there is always so much to do. Taking care of your physical needs is really your first priority. Be your own best friend and take care of “the horse you rode in on.” You can’t fulfill your dharma, divine plan, or create the life of your dreams without being rested enough function.
- Have you had enough to eat and was it nourishing? Some people get so busy in their day that they even forget to eat and then wonder why they don’t feel well. Eating small meals all day has been proven to be the healthiest way to eat. Don’t forget to eat. And have you been taking your supplements and following the program that your doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor, or your own common sense has laid out for you? Understand that all that you know doesn’t do you ANY good if you don’t stick to it.
- Be truthful—have you been loving toward yourself? Have compassion for your human condition. They say that you can only love other people as much as you love yourself. If you want love in your life—first love yourself. It is important. Not being self-indulgent but looking out for your needs. Nobody knows what those truly are but you.
- Did you make your minimum 5 daily gratitude entries? Gratitude will change everything. Do it daily. You will find that you are surrounded by abundance and beauty right NOW. How can you help but have a smile on your face? For more information, read “Abundance through Gratitude”
If you have already done these five things, then take a look at these posts:
If you are NOT able to do these 5 things for whatever reason, move forward to this post:
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.