Archangels and Twin Flames
Do you wonder just who the angels and Archangels are? What do they do? I thought it would be helpful to make a post about the archangels and answer questions about them.
In biblical texts, it is explained that there is a hierarchy of sorts in the angelic realms, where the Archangels are the overseers of many bands of angels.
Here is a list to use as a resource with their names, facts, and definitions. Then you can call on them directly and connect with them by refining your intuitive abilities.
Since I normally do original channeled messages, they often tell me their names or I get an impression of aspects of their personality. I am still learning some of these names and titles. I am most familiar with Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, and Azrael.
While angels and archangels are considered androgynous, and non-sexual, they also have a counterpart. I found it very interesting that each archangel is considered to be masculine, and there is a feminine counterpart called Archeia. Some Archangels, like Haniel and Ariel, are usually pictured as feminine. These two aspects work together as pairs, sometimes called “twin flames.”
These great beings of light represent the attributes of God that they have dominion over. They are powerful thought forms—vortexes of light and energy.
I hope you find this information useful. I found this information in my research and cannot confirm that it is accurate.
List of Archangels and Archeia
Archangel Michael and Faith serve on the first ray of the will of God. The vibration of that ray appears as the color blue and represents the throat chakra speaking the word of God. Michael and Faith bring to us their love and protection, a renewal of faith, the power to do the will of God, and a love for that will.
Archangel Jophiel and Christine are the emissaries of the second ray of the wisdom of God, which vibrates as the color golden-yellow, which resonates with our crown chakra. Halos depicted by artists around the heads of saintly figures are the glowing crown chakras. If one desires a greater understanding and spiritual wisdom, we can call in Jophiel and Christine to give us access to the Christ/Buddha mind.
Archangel Chamuel and Charity are serving on the third ray of the heart, vibrating from deep ruby red to a delicate pink. The emanation of love is unconditional, miraculous, and healing—as is the love of the Creator for the creation. They answer a call for assistance in the softening and opening of our hearts, expanding our ability to love all of God’s creation. We must include ourselves, by opening the heart chakra.
Archangel Gabriel and Hope are carrying the flame of the fourth ray of purity, which is a mother-of-pearl white. White is a harmonious balance of all of the other rays. Purity of thought, feeling, words, and action, accelerates the spiritual path, eliminating many limiting twists and turns. They are patrons of writers and those who desire to work toward wholeness of being.
Archangel Raphael and Mary are on the energy frequency of the Green Ray of the Heart, healing, balance, abundance, and science. Raphael is mostly acknowledged as the archangel of healing. His female aspect is Mother Mary. They teach us that we must first heal ourselves before we can heal others.
Archangel Uriel and Aurora resonate on an energy frequency, a purple and golden ray of the calling to service, including order, structure, and stability. Uriel is the Archangel of the Resurrection Flame. He brings order out of chaos and is symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes. They help with giving and receiving and balancing self-worth and ego. Link: Who is Archangel Uriel Post
Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst vibrate with the transformative energy of the purple-violet energy frequency of forgiveness and freedom. He is the Archangel who works with The Violet Flame, and its properties of cleansing, purification, and transformation. He helps us to release negative thoughts and behavior patterns and to be free of the limitations and restrictions that hold us back from achieving our full potential.
Archangel Raguel and Harmony are on an energy frequency, which translates as purple and green. This balances our highest aspirations and intentions, aligned with the heart center relating to justice and fairness, helping to settle disputes. As a mediator who teaches respect for all points of view and the highest good for all. His Archeia Harmony helps rebalance low self-esteem.
Archangel Haniel and Purity resonate on a pearlescent peach and white ray of beauty and truth. His archeia, Lady Purity, represents aspects of music, beauty, and art. They help us to see the beauty in simple truth and the truth in simple, unadorned beauty that is best reflected in nature.
Archangel Azrael and Mercy are on the sparkling Gold Ray of Light. He is the Archangel of Ascension and carries the Ascension Flame, which is a brilliant silvery white. Azrael is sometimes referred to as the Angel of Death, or the Angel of Transition, and is the Master of the Akashic Records. Mercy is the energy of rebirth and resurrection. She assists him in his work with those souls who have lost their way, bringing mercy to their rehabilitation
Look for references to archangels in the Bible and other religious texts. There are other Archangels that are not mentioned here, so this list should not be considered a complete list by any means. Look for my booklet answering all the questions you have about Angels coming soon.
References: Archangel roles and the Archeai
What are Twin Flames?
Do you want to know which Archangel is working with you? Get this reading.
Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.
You have a talent for explaining things in an approachable way. Thank you.
Thank you, Kole! I appreciate the comment and the recognition. I think it was this talent that got me an “A” in literature. I love to see the subtleties in stories, get down to the essence, and make them understandable. I am grateful that you are on my list to receive the angel messages; you help make them possible.
So incredibly helpful and beautiful.
I am so glad this list is useful! This post was inspired by your question about the sexes of the archangels. They are considered androgenous and do not have sex; they carry both masculine and feminine traits. They are considered to have these two sides, which some teachings of angels call “Twin Flames,” part of the same whole. Our minds like to organize and label to make it all make sense.