happiness received

Angels: How to Feel Better

Feeling good is a matter of choice. Consciously tune into the energies of love, peace, and passion forming the beauty of living. You are the creator in this dimension.

The goodness that comes from focus and intention can be used to create a snowball effect—a glowing vision of your favorite things. Like the song, “My favorite Things,” from the movie, The Sound of Music.

Sing the song of your favorite things with us. This song is a resonance of frequencies that we sing all the time. By this we mean use your voice to just make up a lyric of your joy, an example is the campfire song: I Love the Mountains. (Listen to the Video)

You have within you the contrast of feelings of all kinds and these can be accessed and expanded at will with good grounding and centering practice.

Remember to breathe deeply and focus on slowly breathing in and out, knowing that you are supported. Drink more water to hold more light.

We of the angelic patterns and energies, will come in answer to your reaching out to us. We support all that you dream and all that you are.

Why would you hold yourself apart from your desires and dreams of joy and prosperity?

Angels Advise Playing in Nature

Hold to the rod of deep connection to Source. This is the only truth—the truth of who you are. If this concept is too large to tune into in this moment, anchor deeper and play with the earth elements that also support you.

You can sing and dance with the Fairies and Unicorns and all forms of magical creatures if you wish. How does that feel? Use your imagination.

Supportive and joyful earth energies wish to provide the materialization of the beauty of the One Love. See this light of love in living creatures and natural wonders such as each sunrise and every sunset too.

Breathe and anchor those feelings deep within and swirl them around until they wash you out. Envision this as a great washing machine that takes out the stains of stress and worries of the day. Envision and enliven these energies.

Daily Practice – Resonating as you Choose

We come to support your daily practice of tuning into the Divine and resonating at a higher level of Consciousness. This exercise will serve to raise life experience to the level you desire.

Only be aware of what you think and feel and choose to rise higher whenever you tune into your feelings. You are not powerless or at the mercy of anything from without.

Just go within recalculate, realign, and reemerge as the new you in every moment with every choice. It is only an energetic adjustment. You have the tools.

Transmission of Happiness – Archangel Sandalphon

Everyone wishes happiness and joy.

We send in those energies now to uplift you and to enliven you and your life goals and dreams.

Trust in this transmission! It is for you and is being applied to you now!

The presence of Archangel Sandalphon the Archangel of Music, hears and transports your prayers, he uplifts and holds your desires for a better life experience.

The blessing is forth coming; you only have to let it in.

See the light of love and peace descending upon you now.

Feel the tingling of this in your organs and the cells within the body.

Breath in the peace of God Source and smile.

Be grateful for this divine intervention.

You are worthy.

You are blessed!

And so it is,

The Angels

Note: When I received this message, I did not know that Archangel Sandalphon was known as the angel of music. He rules over music in heaven and helps people on Earth use music to communicate with God in prayer. When I looked it up I was delighted. It is these kinds of revelations that help me believe in the Angel Messages. I am  committing to using more music in my daily practice. How about you?

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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.