awakening as love

Angels: Being Yourself as Love

Your greatness is in connecting with your True Self through your expanded senses in this time of transition. Intuition opens the channels of extrasensory abilities that are coming online.

Humanity is discovering intuitive abilities and sensitivities that are an evolutionary imperative to being divinely human, which some have termed Homo Sanctus.*

As you struggle to answer the age-old question, “Who am I?” in the larger context of spirituality, there are those who wish to disregard that what is physical is also part of Spirit and created to ascend.

There is a divine plan in which you rediscover yourself. Everything else is a distraction from this purpose.

Awakening to Love is Your Purpose

Mistakenly, humanity has all but abdicated its innate power and spiritual technology to succeed in the world of physical domination through greed and power. This has created a matrix of false identities playing a one-dimensional game that leads to a soulless conclusion.

The time has come to awaken from the dream of separation and embody yourself as the light being that you are. This in no way diminishes the journey you have taken to reach this awakening in your own unique way.

You are the champion in this story of overcoming that you and your divine counterparts have created. Eternally expanding in creation as the energy of love in every form.

Awakening is so joyous and blissful that you have engineered the multidimensional ability to repeatedly awaken to your power and your True Self over and over again.

The joyous reunion with all aspects of the Oneness of the energy field that has been called God and many other names is beyond words. Yet, you would not want to miss the many ways that you find to love.

Love is All There Is

While the word love is overworked and misunderstood by many, it is the glue that holds all creation together. Love is the universal solvent that reduces everything down to the unconditional love of creation itself. Reference our message in Love is All There Is 

When life often feels loveless, this may be hard to hear, but we assure you of the eternal love that is aware of you.

Give your mind and heart the task of looking for love in everyday life circumstances. You may find it in nature or with your pets, who offer no resistance to unconditional love.

Love yourself and learn to “love others as yourself,” as Jesus taught. Expand your circle of love as you reach out to friends, family, the community, and the whole world at every opportunity.

See With Eyes of Angels

This is where we, the Angels, come to your aid. Each energy frequency can be associated with an angelic presence and a particular band or ray of light that is one angle personified as an Angel of Light and purified as an Archangel.

We are so real that we can be with you at any time and place, and many see and perceive us in many ways in many forms.

Love Arrives in Archangelic Transmission

I AM the Archangel Chamuel, the focus of the love of God personified and identifiable to you. I come to you in an energy of pure love.

This energy is all but overwhelming to the human circuitry and is difficult for many to receive.

The angels who are your guides step down this powerful energy to a level that will not dissolve your form nor the sanity of your mind. But you might shed some tears and feel overwhelmed by my presence of this power of love this day.

I am come to transmute the energy of all that holds you back from receiving the love that you want in your life.

As you focus your attention on loving and feeling loved, reliving and reawakening moments of love from past experiences, you will build your ability to receive.

As you learn to hold love in your energy centers, you will learn the ability to perform the miracles that love can do. Call in the masters of love, such as Jesus, to help you.

Love is the key. Love is the answer.

Find the answer to who you are as love.

And so it is.

The Angels

Thank you for receiving the angel’s message and the energy of love from Chamuel! I thank you for your continued attention to raising the quantum energy of the field of consciousness on the planet!

If you enjoyed this message, consider a Love Offering as an energy exchange for creating them.

More References: Archangel Chamuel’s Messages to Humanity

Notes: *“Homo Sanctus — Literally, the blessed human, Homo Sanctus is the new human emerging into the world. Catalyzed by the Great Change, Homo Sanctus is the new genetic human vehicle. Although this new human may have the same genome as the existing model, it resonates from birth at a higher frequency due to subtle mutations that are taking place primarily within the solar plexus system. These mutations allow the activation of higher coding sequences within our DNA, which essentially make the vehicle immune to the Shadow frequencies.” From the Glossary of the Gene Keys.


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.