Happy feelings

Angel Walk of Happiness

We bid you come up higher to realms of light and love. We know you would like to feel better. You think you will be more joyous in life when your circumstances change.

You know well that you must first choose your vibration and anchor it before your circumstances change and not after. Yet you forget and wonder why the powers of heaven do not change things for you.

Heaven is where you are. Find heaven in the stillness and in the spaces between. Find the seeds of joy in your heart. Locate the whispers of holy melodies on the wind. You can find what you seek in the NOW moment.

If you would drop the past and ask yourself, “Who do you want to be today?” You would see your path more clearly. There is no more powerful place other than your present moment.

Clear away the debris of all limitations—all preconceived ideas about who you thought you were. Past events do not define you.

Who do you believe yourself to be—your True Self? This is the real truth and the key to your dreams of future happiness.

Happiness is a Natural State

All that humanity dreams and works toward is this goal of future happiness. Simplify your happiness to what will bring the greatest reward in this day allotted to you. Add space and intuitive guidance to each step.

You will find yourself on a path in a beautiful garden of delights as you move forward in this magical adventure you have called today. Does not the very thought of it bring a smile to your face?

Walk the Path of Joy

And here you are getting in touch with your guides and angels, which automatically raises your vibration to another frequency. You feel lighter and brighter already. This is a brilliant step toward bringing more joy today.

We will always serve to enlighten and enliven you to be the best version of yourself. From this place of elevated energy of intention and desire, you manifest as never before the synchronicity of brilliance.

We, the angelic host, will assist you whenever you reach out to us. You may do so in so many ways, and we will also answer you with many signs, premonitions, and opportunities for good fortune.

You love the magic of seeking and finding. This is what gives your life the sparkle that you crave. You want freedom and adventure. You want beauty and bright colors of wonder.

All this is available at the ready, no matter your circumstances. You have turned the corner on the karmic residue that you have been trying to shake off your boots for so long and are leaving behind. It is time to enter a new way of being.

Bring on Fairy Magic

Now you can feel the excitement of the day and what it will bring you. Moving your body will do you good. Thinking in circles is holding you in old patterns that have turned into ruts of disillusionment.

Hold our hands as your team of angels and walk with us through this day. We will hold you up for a while if you deem yourself too tired. We will pull and push you if you ask us. (angelic laughter)

We can even suggest that you put a skip in your step and draw out your younger and more playful side. Bring in fairies and other elemental beings to walk and talk with you. Make believe some fun company, even if it seems to be just your imagination.

Enough talking today! Go forth to your day of being human and delight in it.

And so it is.

The Angels and Fairies


Note: Fairies are the most commonly known elemental beings, probably because they are everywhere. They are the guardians of plants and flowers. The Fairies are a playful, friendly group of 4th-dimensional creators who love to be spoken to and asked to help. Fairies are very powerful manifesters. They know that through firm belief and clear visualization, they attract what they want. They are powerful allies in creating joy.  https://www.elementalbeings.co.uk/fairies/

1 Comment

  1. Cin on March 5, 2024 at 12:56 am

    Beautiful message .Thank you so much.


Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.