archangel chamuel-lindsaygodfree

2-2 Activation Blessing from Chamuel-Archangel of Love

Angel-Oracle message by Lindsay Godfree 02-02-19

You are poised for greatness! All the forces of light stand with you. Do not fear. Do not entertain doubt. The river of cosmic energy flows around and through you. Just jump in! The current will carry you.


You can even float on your back and still see the stars above you. The void is a comfortable place if you allow it to be so. Yes, back float and keep breathing. Make it easy—simple.


The mind –the ego mind, is learning to find the spirit energy in the body. That is the only thing it needs to do in the now—that, and conjure up the feelings of love, joy, thankfulness. Be happy! Let the chemistry of these feelings pull the desired future toward you. You are stationary in the NOW—all else is coming to you where you stand in joyful expectation.


Like Christmas, you know all the presents will be wrapped in colorful paper under the tree. Know that each day is wrapped as a gift—just for you. Know this—feel this—live this as it is…  You create it with your intent, imagining, and acceptance of the manifestation, as it comes to you.


Feel it—breathe into it! The core of your being is alive with the expectation, the excitement, the passion! Do you feel it? Just feel. “Don’t think feel—its no big deal…” Sing and dance your way down the path of least resistance.


Sing and dance. Skip and play. Invite others to play with you. Yes, put on those butterfly wings and dance in the sun, under the moon and stars, in the wind, and in the rain—all of it. You can even add sparkles if you wish. Oh, and there you go…


Take off the restraints of “should” and “have to” and create each day anew with the wonder of the miracles that appear. What if it is just that simple? And it is! Why not choose the magic of life? It is your precious life to live.


And when you are tired, rest. Take care of your body with great tenderness as you would a loved one. Treat yourself kindly, lovingly, with compassion. How does that feel? Feel into it. Does it feel like a lover’s embrace? For indeed life loves you and it is with tenderness and felt energy as a caress of spirit that you wrap yourself in. See and feel this cloak so soft and warm in your favorite color or multicolored if you wish. Anchor this feeling. It is yours to create at will.


Work it into your every cell. The mind, the feeling, the senses, the chemistry—it all is at your command. You are empowered by the Most High to experience joy!


It is our blessing for you this day and always!

I declare it!

For I AM Chamuel the Archangel of love!

And Ariel stands with me in salutation.

And so it is…

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Lindsay Godfree is a successful author and teacher who was struck by a supernatural experience of transformation and awakening. Her mission is to inspire others with her story and guide them on a journey of authenticity and consciousness.
Read her story here.